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Provedor de dados:  OceanDocs
País:  Belgium
Título:  Distribution and Abundance of Finfish in Godineau Swamp
Autores:  Ramsundar, H.
Data:  2009-01-22
Ano:  2002
Palavras-chave:  Anthropogenic factors
Finfish fisheries
Anthropogenic factors
Resumo:  The Godineau Swamp is home to several species of plants, wildlife, fish and waterfowl, including our protected Scarlet Ibis. It has been heavily influenced by anthropogenic activities and probably needs careful regulation of its development in order to obtain the maximum benefits from the swamp without destroying it. The Fisheries component of the Godineau Swamp Research Project aims to document the fish species that live in the swamp, their relative distribution and abundance and characterize the fishing practices in the area. The first phase has been completed and the second phase, characterisation of the fishing practices, is carded to begin in mid- November. The whole Godineau Research project is directed at assessing the ecology of the swamp in its present state in order to come up with management options for the area that would allow for sustainable development.
Tipo:  Other
Idioma:  Inglês
Formato:  1

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