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Registro completo
Provedor de dados:  Organic Eprints
País:  Germany
Título:  Organic Farming in Wales 2003 - 2004
Autores:  Fowler, Sue
Green, Michael
Hitchings, Roger
Jedwell, Andrew
Kennard, Bob
Little, Tony
McCalman, Heather
Pearson, Neil
Powell, Jane
Rowlands, Gareth
Spiller, Gary
Thomas, Huw
Wacher, Carolyn
Weller, Richard
Data:  2004
Ano:  2004
Palavras-chave:  Education
Extension and communication Farming Systems
Resumo:  Organic Centre Wales (OCW) was originally formed to act as an information source for producers enquiring into organic farming; in our second phase, in response to changes in the sector, we have an increased remit on policy issues. It has been a busy time, seeing the production of a second Organic Action Plan, the implementation of the CAP reform and development work on agri-environment reforms. The year also saw the start of organic maintenance payments for farmers. This Annual Report contains accounts of the progress that has been made on many fronts during the last 12 months, particularly in market knowledge due to the research for the recently published report, 'Organic Food: understanding the consumer and increasing sales'. This information, together with continuing product development work, will enable Welsh organic producers to be proactive in building a solid consumer base.
Tipo:  Report
Idioma:  Inglês

Fowler, Sue; Green, Michael; Hitchings, Roger; Jedwell, Andrew; Kennard, Bob; Little, Tony; McCalman, Heather; Pearson, Neil; Powell, Jane; Rowlands, Gareth; Spiller, Gary; Thomas, Huw; Wacher, Carolyn and Weller, Richard (2004) Organic Farming in Wales 2003 - 2004. Organic Centre Wales.
Formato:  application/pdf


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