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Wettability and morphology of the leaf surface in cashew tree from the Amazon, Northern Brazil Biological Sciences
Ramos, Glenda Quaresma; Albuquerque, Marta Duarte da Fonseca de; Ferreira, José Luiz Pinto; Cotta, Eduardo Adriano; Fonseca Filho, Henrique Duarte da.
Leaves surfaces, which represent an interface with plants and the environment, have several structures with specific functions. Some foliar properties, including wettability and mechanical containment, are inferred in terms of cellular adaptation and the presence or absence of cuticular wax. Various morphological parameters, ranging from macro- to nano scales, are analyzed and contribute to the study of taxonomy, pharmacognosy, and ecology of plants. The aim of this paper was to analyze the effect and influence of epicuticular wax granules on the hydrophobicity of Anacardium occidentale L. leaf surfaces. Leaf specimens were directly examined with an environmental scanning electron microscope without metal coating. Images revealed epidermis ornament,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hydrophobic; Hydrophilic; Anacardium occidentale L.; Wax Biotecnologia.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Hydro-physical processes and soil properties correlated with origin of soil hydrophobicity Ciência Rural
Vogelmann,Eduardo Saldanha; Reichert,José Miguel; Prevedello,Juliana; Awe,Gabriel Oladele.
Hydrophobicity is the phenomenon where the soil has reduced wettability, usually associated with coating of soil particles by hydrophobic organic substances. This study aimed to provide a description of the hydrophobicity occurrence, highlight recent discoveries about the origin of phenomenon and discuss the main hydro-physical properties and chemical processes linked to the development of hydrophobic behavior in soils. Hydrophobicity is associated with other factors such as soil moisture, presence of some fungi species, particle size, soil pH and occurrence of burnings. The causative substances may be provided by local vegetation, through deposition or decomposition. The dependence and combination of different factors that influence hydrophobicity in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hydrophobic; Hydrophilic; Organic matter; Water repellency; Soil moisture.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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