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16S rRNA gene-based identification of microbiota associated with the parthenogenetic troglobiont sand fly Deanemyia maruaga (Diptera, Psychodidae) from central Amazon, Brazil BJM
Sousa,Katianne Barbosa Alves de; Silva,Túllio Romão Ribeiro da; Alencar,Ronildo Baiatone; Baton,Luke Anthony; Naveca,Felipe Gomes; Shimabukuro,Paloma Helena Fernandes.
Bacteria associated with the parthenogenetic troglobiont sand fly Deanemyia maruaga were characterized by sequencing cloned 16S rDNA PCR products. Eleven novel partial 16S rDNA sequences, with varying degrees of similarity to Actinobacteria, were identified. None of the sequences identified had homology to those known from parthenogenesis-inducing bacteria.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Actinobacteria; Bat guano; Parthenogensis; Sand flies; Troglobiont.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pupillacea : XI. Speleodentorcula Beroni gen. & spec. nov. (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Orculidae) Aus einer Höhle in Euboea, Griechenland Naturalis
Gittenberger, E..
A new troglobitic genus and species, viz. Speleodentorcula beroni gen. & spec. nov., is described from the island of Euboea, Greece. The species, known from a single cave only, is quite isolated systematically. According to the structure of its shell and the genitalia S. beroni should be classified with the Orculidae. Within this family Speleodentorcula is most similar to Walklea anatomically; conchologically there is some vague resemblance to Fauxulus (apertural denticles) and Odontocyclas, Walklea, Fauxulus and Afriboysidia (surface sculpture). Speleodentorcula alone is considered the sister group of the taxon encompassing these last mentioned four genera.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Mollusca; Orculidae; Speleodentorcula; Gen. nov.; Spec. nov.; Troglobiont; Greece; 42.73.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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A new genus and species of cavernicolous Pomatiopsidae (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda) in Bahia, Brazil Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Simone,Luiz Ricardo L..
Spiripockia punctatais a new genus and species of Pomatiopsidae found in a cave from Serra Ramalho, SW Bahia, Brazil. The taxon is troglobiont (restricted to subterranean realm), and is characterized by the shell weakly elongated, fragile, translucent, normally sculptured by pustules with periostracum hair on tip of pustules; peristome highly expanded; umbilicus opened; radular rachidian with 6 apical and 3 pairs of lateral cusps; osphradium short, arched; gill filaments with rounded tip; prostate flattened, with vas deferens inserting subterminally; penis duct narrow and weakly sinuous; pallial oviduct simple anteriorly, possessing convoluted bypass connecting base of bulged portion of transition between visceral and pallial oviducts with base of seminal...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pomatiopsidae; Spiripockia punctata gen. nov. et sp. nov.; Brazil; Cave; Troglobiont; Anatomy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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