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LibSBGN: Electronic Processing of SBGN maps Nature Precedings
Martijn P. van Iersel; Sarah E. Boyd; Frank Bergmann; Stuart Moodie; Falk Schreiber; Tobias Czauderna; Emek Demir; Nicolas Le Novère; Anatoly Sorokin; Huaiyu Mi; Augustin Luna; Ugur Dogrusoz; Yukiko Matsuoka; Akira Funahashi; Hiroaki Kitano; Mirit I. Aladjem; Michael L. Blinov; Alice C. Villéger.

Graphical representations of participants and their relationships are essential for exchanging knowledge about complex biological processes. To convey this information clearly and unambiguously, it is necessary to assign standard meanings to symbols and their connectivity. For this purpose, the System Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN) has been developed.

As SBGN is becoming more widely adopted, and used in various software tools, there is an increasing need for a standard file format able to capture the SBGN maps. Exchange using graphics-only file formats (such as SVG) is insufficient, because the biological meaning of elements is lost. There is a need for a toolset that...
Tipo: Poster Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Data Standards.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Systems Biology Graphical Notation: Activity Flow language Level 1 Nature Precedings
Huaiyu Mi; Falk Schreiber; Nicolas Le Novére; Stuart Moodie; Anatoly Sorokin.
Standard graphical representations have played a crucial role in science and engineering throughout the last century. Without electrical symbolism, it is very likely that our industrial society would not have evolved at the same pace. Similarly, specialized notations such as the Feynmann notation or the process flow diagrams did a lot for the adoption of concepts in their own fields. With the advent of Systems Biology, and more recently of Synthetic Biology, the need for precise and unambiguous descriptions of biochemical interactions has become more pressing. While some ideas have been advanced over the last decade, with a few detailed proposals, no actual community standard has emerged. The Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN) is a graphical...
Tipo: Manuscript Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Systems Biology Graphical Notation: Process Diagram Level 1 Nature Precedings
Nicolas Le Novere; Stuart Moodie; Anatoly Sorokin; Michael Hucka; Falk Schreiber; Emek Demir; Huaiyu Mi; Yukiko Matsuoka; Katja Wegner; Hiroaki Kitano.
Standard graphical representations have played a crucial role in science and engineering throughout the last century. Without electrical symbolism, it is very likely that our industrial society would not have evolved at the same pace. Similarly, specialised notations such as the Feynmann notation or the process flow diagrams did a lot for the adoption of concepts in their own fields. With the advent of Systems Biology, and more recently of Synthetic Biology, the need for precise and unambiguous descriptions of biochemical interactions has become more pressing. While some ideas have been advanced over the last decade, with a few detailed proposals, no actual community standard has emerged. The Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN) is a graphical...
Tipo: Manuscript Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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LibSBGN: Electronic Processing of SBGN maps Nature Precedings
Martijn P. van Iersel; Sarah E. Boyd; Frank Bergmann; Stuart Moodie; Falk Schreiber; Tobias Czauderna; Emek Demir; Nicolas Le Novère; Anatoly Sorokin; Huaiyu Mi; Augustin Luna; Ugur Dogrusoz; Yukiko Matsuoka; Akira Funahashi; Hiroaki Kitano; Mirit I. Aladjem; Michael L. Blinov; Alice C. Villéger.

Graphical representations of participants and their relationships are essential for exchanging knowledge about complex biological processes. To convey this information clearly and unambiguously, it is necessary to assign standard meanings to symbols and their connectivity. For this purpose, the System Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN) has been developed.

As SBGN is becoming more widely adopted, and used in various software tools, there is an increasing need for a standard file format able to capture the SBGN maps. Exchange using graphics-only file formats (such as SVG) is insufficient, because the biological meaning of elements is lost. There is a need for a toolset that...
Tipo: Poster Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Data Standards.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Systems Biology Graphical Notation: Entity Relationship language Level 1 Nature Precedings
Nicolas Le Novère; Stuart Moodie; Anatoly Sorokin; Falk Schreiber; Huaiyu Mi.
Standard graphical representations have played a crucial role in science and engineering throughout the last century. Without electrical symbolism, it is very likely that our industrial society would not have evolved at the same pace. Similarly, specialised notations such as the Feynmann notation or the process flow diagrams did a lot for the adoption of concepts in their own fields. With the advent of Systems Biology, and more recently of Synthetic Biology, the need for precise and unambiguous descriptions of biochemical interactions has become more pressing. While some ideas have been advanced over the last decade, with a few detailed proposals, no actual community standard has emerged. The Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN) is a graphical...
Tipo: Manuscript Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Data Standards.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Conceptual model of E. coli transcriptional machinery Nature Precedings
Anatoly Sorokin; Timur Dzhelyadin; Svetlana G. Kamzolova.
At the moment one type of analysis of transcription regulatory networks (TRNs) in prokaryotes is topological analysis of graph structure of possible regulatory interaction links (see for example [1]). That type of analysis takes into account possibility links that designate the fact that one gene product in some conditions can modulate transcription of the other. The benefit of such approach is that it is allow analyzing TRN at the whole cell level. At the same type it is known that at least some responses are regulated by abundance of elements of transcription machinery [2-3]. We have developed conceptual model of whole cell E. coli TRN with SBGN ER, SBGN PD and SBGN AF languages [4]. That model is the first step towards incorporation of some quantitative...
Tipo: Poster Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Systems Biology Graphical Notation: Entity Relationship language Level 1 Nature Precedings
Nicolas Le Novère; Stuart Moodie; Anatoly Sorokin; Falk Schreiber; Huaiyu Mi.
Standard graphical representations have played a crucial role in science and engineering throughout the last century. Without electrical symbolism, it is very likely that our industrial society would not have evolved at the same pace. Similarly, specialised notations such as the Feynmann notation or the process flow diagrams did a lot for the adoption of concepts in their own fields. With the advent of Systems Biology, and more recently of Synthetic Biology, the need for precise and unambiguous descriptions of biochemical interactions has become more pressing. While some ideas have been advanced over the last decade, with a few detailed proposals, no actual community standard has emerged. The Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN) is a graphical...
Tipo: Manuscript Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
Registros recuperados: 7
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