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Les surcotes et les décotes marines à Brest, étude statistique et évolution ArchiMer
Bouligand, R; Pirazzoli, Pa.
Sea surges (positive or negative) are short-period events (several hours to several days) among the most extreme oceanic phenomena resulting from climatic variability. A statistical study of hourly tide-gauge records at Brest does not allow any clear trend in long-term variations of these extreme sea levels to be detected. However, the frequency of extreme positive sea surges has increased recently (1953-1994), whereas extreme and sub-extreme negative sea surges has decreased. Such trends for the highest values strengthen the prevalence of positive sea surges over negative ones. The general evolution appears to be organised around several time scales, with a strong interannual variability superimposed on periods of amplification or regression of decennial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Niveau marin; Surcotes et décotes marines; Fréquence; Évolution; Brest; Sea level; Positive and negative sea surges; Frequency; Trend; Brest.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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