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Immediate and latent effects of drying soybeans with dehydrated air Agronomy
Konopatzki, Evandro André; Christ, Divair; Coelho, Silvia Renata Machado; Nobrega, Lúcia Helena Pereira da; Dellagostin, Simone; Lenz, Anderson Miguel.
New grain drying techniques have been improved to reduce post-harvest losses. The electric air dehumidifier (UTA 60®) is an example; it was installed at the ELLITT Seed Company for drying soybean seeds (TEC 7849) with random sample collection (DIC). Our objective was to evaluate the immediate and latent effects of the dehumidified air on the vigour of the seeds. Our vigour analysis method was based on the Rules for Seed Analysis (RAS), and our results showed an immediate significant difference in seedling percentage, but the germination level did not have an effect at 5% (Dunnett's test). In latent effects, at 5% (Tukey test), there was a reduction in the germination percentage and emergence rate, but it was not possible link such variations to the drying...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Air dehumidification; Air handling unit; Electricity; Germinative vigour; Glycine max.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Foliar application of plant growth regulators changes the physiological quality of crambe seeds Biological Sciences
Boiago, Nayara Parisoto; Coelho, Silvia Renata Machado; Fernandes, Giovana Scalcon; Paz, Carlos Henrique de Oliveira; Santos, Felipe Samways.
The application of plant growth regulators can manipulate the development of cultivated plants, and their physiological effects may be reflected in the physiological quality of the seeds. This study evaluated the effects of plant growth regulators (PGR) on the physiological quality of crambe seeds produced in the 2014 and 2015 harvests. During crop development, we applied two foliar sprayings of the following treatments: 1) control treatment with distilled water; 2) indole-3-acetic acid 100 mg L-1 (IAA); 3) 3-gibberellic acid P.A. 100 mg L-1 (GA3); 4) commercial PGR Stimulate® 6 mL L-1. The seeds were harvested and evaluated for water content, germination percentage and germination speed index (GSI), electrical conductivity and concentrations of leached...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Crambe abyssinica Hochst. ex Fries; Growth promoters; Germination; Electrical conductivity; Ion leaching..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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