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Participation determinants and impact assessment of the Institute of Agricultural Development (INDAP) credit program Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Donoso,Guillermo; Melo,Oscar; Negrete,Eduardo.
This research estimates the impact of INDAP's Credit Program on the per hectare agricultural income of small agricultural producers. To accomplish this, a Treatment Effects Model (TEM) is employed to simultaneously estímate producer incomes and program participation functions, correcting for the potential presence of selectivity bias through the correlation between the errors of both functions. The results indicate that farmers of greater age present a higher disposition to participate in the program, but their interest decreases as their age increases. Additionally, producers who are acquainted with and evaluate the financial cost of credits as well as those producers whose income comes mainly from their land, who are landowners, present a greater family...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Program impact estimation; Selection bias; Rural finance; Treatment effects model.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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A comparison of farmland value determinants in Chile between 1978-1998 and 1999-2008 Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Donoso,Guillermo; Cancino,José; Olguín,Ricardo; Schonhaut,Daniela.
Research on the determinants that influence the price of farmland has found renewed interest in the past decade because agricultural land values are an important source of information for tracing the distribution of benefits generated by agricultural growth. This study's objective is to identify the determinants of the value of agricultural land in Chile for the periods 1978-1998 and 1999-2008 to analyze the evolution of the factors that determined the price of agricultural land between these two periods. The explanatory power of the estimated hedonic land price model is significantly greater for the period 1978-1998 (R²= 67%). The lower explanatory power of the model for the period 1999-2008 (R²= 29%) indicates that factors not accounted for in the model...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Agricultural land value; Determinants of agricultural land value; Hedonic agricultural land value model.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Testing the embedding effect in the valuation of lagoon recovery Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Donoso,Guillermo; Cancino,José; Villar,Susana.
The contingent valuation method was employed to assess the benefts of recovering the Laguna Grande de San Pedro de La Paz in Chile’s Bío-Bío region and to analyze the possible existence of an embedding effect. Our results indicate that there is not a perfect part-whole valuation effect and that there is an imperfect substitution relationship between the two analyzed projects. In addition, when assessing the joint construction project of a main sewer and a recreation park on the north hillside of the lagoon, we determined that households were willing to pay an average monthly amount of $6,114 for the associated beneft of the environmental improvement. This amount would contribute $ 358,977,396 per month to the project and a total value of $4,307,728,752....
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Contingent valuation; Economic value; Embedding effect; Part-whole effect; Scope insensitivity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Factors that affect fruit consumption in schools of the Metropolitan Region (Chile): The case of two schools in the district of Lo Prado Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Beaujanot,Andre; Donoso,Guillermo; del Valle,Andrea.
This research identifies the influence of environmental, social and consumer habits on decision making of children's fruit consumption. The characteristics that influence children's fruit consumption in school and their willingness to change these consumption behaviors are also studied. The study is performed on 5th and 8th grade students who attend public and private elementary schools in the municipality of Lo Prado, Santiago. The level of fruit consumption significantly depends on the family and school support that children receive. Statements such as: "Fruits are good for my health" and "Fruits are rich in vitamins" are very important for parents and children who attend private and public schools. From a strategic point of view, this research concludes...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Determinants of fruit consumption among children; Children's eating habits; Children's fruit and vegetable intake.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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