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Bio-economic evaluation of pasture-cropping, a novel system of integrating perennial pastures and crops on crop-livestock farms AgEcon
Finlayson, John D.; Lawes, Roger A.; Metcalf, Tess; Robertson, Michael J.; Ewing, Michael A..
Pasture-cropping is a novel approach to increase the area of perennial crops in mixed sheep and cropping systems. It involves planting annual cereals directly into a living perennial pasture. There is interest in subtropical grasses as they are winter dormant and their growth profile is potentially well suited to pasture-cropping. However, a wide range of factors can affect the uptake of such systems. This paper assesses the relative importance of factors that can influence decisions to introduce pasture-cropping. In this paper the research question is: what factors predispose a farm to take up a new technology such as (1) subtropical grass and (2) subtropical grass that is pasture-cropped. The analysis uses the MIDAS model of a central wheatbelt farm in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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ADOPT: a tool for predicting adoption of agricultural innovations AgEcon
Kuehne, Geoff; Llewellyn, Rick S.; Pannell, David J.; Wilkinson, Roger; Dolling, P.; Ewing, Michael A..
A wealth of evidence exists about the adoption of new practices and technologies in agriculture but there does not appear to have been any attempt to simplify this vast body of research knowledge into a model to make quantitative predictions across a broad range of contexts. This is despite increasing demand from research, development and extension agencies for estimates of likely extent of adoption and the likely timeframes for project impacts. This paper reports on the reasoning underpinning the development of ADOPT (Adoption and Diffusion Outcome Prediction Tool). The tool has been designed to: 1) predict an innovation‘s likely peak extent of adoption and likely time for reaching that peak; 2) encourage users to consider the influence of a structured...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Adoption; Diffusion; Prediction; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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A farm level assessment of a novel drought tolerant forage:Tedera (Bituminaria bituminosa C.H.Stirt var. albomarginata). AgEcon
Finlayson, John D.; Real, Daniel; Nordblom, Thomas L.; Revell, Clinton; Ewing, Michael A.; Kingwell, Ross S..
Tedera (Bituminaria bituminosa C.H.Stirt var. albomarginata) is a drought tolerant perennial legume originating in the Canary Islands. This study evaluates the potential role and value of tedera in dryland mixed crop and sheep production systems in southern Australia. Regional variants of the bio-economic model MIDAS are used to assess tedera in farming systems at two locations. The analysis considers the quantity and quality of feed produced by tedera, the ability of other forages to complement or substitute for tedera and its impact on meat versus wool-producing sheep flocks. The results indicate that tedera offers the potential to increase farm profits by up to 26% and be grown on ~28% of a low rainfall mixed enterprise farm. On a high rainfall mixed...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Tedera; Drought tolerant; Forage; Legume; Mediterranean-type climate; Autumn feed gap; Bio-economic modelling; Whole farm modelling; Technology evaluation; MIDAS; Model of dryland agricultural system.; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Cursed by Too Much Water in a Dry Place: Implications of Dryland Salinity for Farm Management, Policy and Research in Australia AgEcon
Pannell, David J.; Ewing, Michael A.; Ridley, Anna M..
Dryland salinity is one of the most prominent and intractable problems facing farm managers in the extensive non-irrigated farming systems of southern Australia. The issue was ignored by policy makers until late in the twentieth century, but is now the sole or partial subject of government programs with budgets totaling several billion Australian dollars. Salt occurs naturally at high levels in the subsoils of most Australian agricultural land. As a result of clearing native vegetation, groundwater tables have risen, mobilising the salt and causing adverse impacts to farmland, infrastructure, water resources, and biodiversity. The main action required to prevent groundwater tables from rising is establishment of perennial plants, either herbaceous...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farm Management; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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