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X-ray Microtomography to Quantify Morphological Sandstones Properties BABT
Pires,Luiz Fernando; Melo,Mário Sérgio de; Borges,Jaqueline Aparecida Ribaski; Heck,Richard John; Facin,Paulo Cesar.
Abstract The sandstones of the Furnas Formation in the State of Paraná, south of Brazil, are located in regions with great importance due to the natural heritage found in the rocky forms and associated flora and fauna. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the internal structure of diverse sandstones of the Furnas Formation. X-ray microtomography allowed 3D characterization of the number, pore size and shape distributions of the sandstones. Images with voxel size of 603 µm3 were utilized to evaluate the sandstone’s macroporosity. The main results obtained indicate that higher macroporosities were observed in coarser and some types of silicified sandstones. In general, fine sandstones were characterized by the largest number of pores. As a general...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Image analysis; Porous system; Sandstone structure; 3D analysis; Micromorphology.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Gypsum-saturated water to reclaim alluvial saline sodic and sodic soils Scientia Agricola
Silveira,Karien Rodrigues da; Ribeiro,Mateus Rosas; Oliveira,Luiz Bezerra de; Heck,Richard John; Silveira,Rachel Rodrigues da.
Inadequate management of soil and irrigation water contribute to soil degradation, particularly in the alluvial areas of Northeast Brazil, where salinity and sodicity are already common features. This study evaluates the effects of the addition of gypsum in the irrigation water on physical and chemical properties of soils with different levels of salinity and sodicity. Samples were collected at the Custódia irrigation area of Brazil, predominantly covered by alluvial soils. Leaching tests using simulated irrigation water classified as C3S1, and gypsum-saturated irrigation water were carried out in soil columns of 20 and 50 cm depth. Soil leaching with gypsum saturated water (T2) resulted in an increase in the amounts of exchangeable calcium and potassium,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Salt affected soils; Irrigation; Reclamation; Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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