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Economic optimization of the number of recipients in bovine embryo transfer programs Scientia Agricola
Beltrame,Renato Travassos; Barioni,Luis Gustavo; Maestri,Breno Dala; Quirino,Celia Raquel.
Purchase and maintenance of recipient females account for a large proportion of the costs and determine the number of calves that can be produced in an embryo transfer program. However, the large variability of embryo production by the donors and the need to purchase and synchronize the recipients before knowing the number of embryos collected make it difficult for the decision maker to identify the ideal number of recipient females to allocate. An ex-ante evaluation to determine the optimal number of recipient females was carried out through a sensitivity analysis for the ratio between the number of recipients and donors in a simulation model. The variability for the number of embryos collected was accounted for by applying the Monte Carlo simulation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Monte Carlo; Mathematical model; Simulation; Cost estimation; Estrus synchronization.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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