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Polymorphisms in MyoD1, MyoG, MyF5, MyF6, and MSTN genes in Santa Inês sheep PAB
Sousa Junior,Luis Paulo Batista; Meira,Ariana Nascimento; Azevedo,Hymerson Costa; Muniz,Evandro Nevez; Coutinho,Luiz Lehmann; Mourão,Gerson Barreto; Pedrosa,Victor Breno; Pinto,Luís Fernando Batista.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to sequence the MyoD1, MyoG, MyF5, MyF6, and MSTN genes and to identify polymorphisms in Santa Inês sheep (Ovis aries). A total of 192 lambs with 240 days of age were evaluated, and these genes were sequenced to be compared with the reference sequence in the Ovis aries genome. Genotype and allele frequencies were estimated, and the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was tested. Fragments containing 2,493 bp (MyoD1), 1,836 bp (MyoG), 2,813 bp (MyF5), 1,126 bp (MyF6), and 2,380 bp (MSTN) were obtained, and, in these sequences, 160 variants were identified. These polymorphisms were distributed as follows: 59 (MyoD1), 24 (MyoG), 63 (MyF5), 4 (MyF6), and 10 (MSTN). One hundred and four were novel polymorphisms, 45 in MyoD1, 2 in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ovis aries; Candidate genes; Frequencies; Variants.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Variants in GH, IGF1, and LEP genes associated with body traits in Santa Inês sheep Scientia Agricola
Machado,Alessandro Lima; Meira,Ariana Nascimento; Jucá,Adriana de Farias; Azevedo,Hymerson Costa; Muniz,Evandro Neves; Coutinho,Luiz Lehmann; Mourão,Gerson Barreto; Pedrosa,Victor Breno; Pinto,Luís Fernando Batista.
ABSTRACT: Growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), and leptin (LEP) can be candidate genes for association studies because they play vital roles in the metabolism process. Thus, this study aimed to identify variants in these genes associated with body traits in Santa Inês sheep. The following were recorded: body weight at 100 (BW100) and 240 days (BW240), average daily gain (ADG), withers (WH) and croup (CH) heights, body length (BL), thoracic (TG) and leg (LG) girths, thoracic (TW) and croup (CW) widths, body depth (BD), rib eye area (REA), fat thickness (FT), and carcass finishing score (CFS). Single-locus association analysis was performed with 11 variants in IGF1, 18 in LEP, and 16 in GH. Moreover, two haplotypes in IGF1 and one...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hormone; Carcass; Growth; Haplotype; Ovine.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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