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Grazing height targets for Alexandergrass pastures under continuous stocking in integrated crop-livestock system Ciência Rural
Soares,André Brugnara; Schmitt,Daniel; Migliorini,Francisco; Assmann,Tangriani Simioni; Assmann,Alceu Luís.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this experiment was to identify grazing height targets for Alexandergrass pastures under continuous stocking in integrated crop-livestock system (ICLS). For this purpose, twelve pastures were cultivated into an ICLS area, and maintained at 10, 20, 30, or 40 cm using grazing goats. The following variables were analyzed: leaf and herbage mass, accumulation rate, and allowance; leaf:stem ratio; chemical composition of hand-plucked samples; stocking rate; average daily gain and gain per area. The data were submitted to regression and correlation analysis. Significance was set at 5% (P≤0.05). The main results were: i) herbage and leaf lamina mass increased linearly with grazing height, and pastures maintained at 20 cm already presented the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Crop rotation; Grazing intensity; Goats; Urochloa plantaginea..
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Dinâmica de produção de forragem de gramíneas anuais de inverno em diferentes épocas de semeadura Ciência Rural
Ferrazza,Jussara Maria; Soares,André Brugnara; Martin,Thomas Newton; Assmann,Alceu Luiz; Migliorini,Francisco; Nicola,Vinicius.
A determinação da produção de cada planta forrageira, em cada período, ao longo de sua estação de crescimento, é importante para que se possa orientar o planejamento forrageiro. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a taxa de acúmulo de matéria seca em diferentes forragens de estação fria em épocas de semeadura distintas. O trabalho foi realizado no período de março a novembro de 2009 para avaliar a taxa de acúmulo diária de forragem em forrageiras anuais de inverno (diferentes cultivares (cvs) de aveia, azevém, centeio, trigo e triticale) em quatro épocas de semeadura (11/3, 8/4, 6/5 e 3/6). As produções de forragem foram convertidas em taxas diárias de acúmulo. Verificou-se interação entre as taxas de acúmulo de forrageiras e épocas de semeadura para...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Avena sativa; Avena strigosa; Lolium multiflorum; Planejamento forrageiro; Secale cereale; Triticosecale Wittmack; Triticum aestivum.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Production of annual winter forage sown before and after soybean harvest under different nitrogen fertilization levels PAB
Migliorini,Francisco; Soares,André Brugnara; Sartor,Laércio Ricardo; Adami,Paulo Fernando; Pattis,Carlos Alberto; Migliorini,Patrícia.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect on forage yield of sowing winter forage species before and after soybean harvest, at different nitrogen application levels. The experiment was set out in a randomized block design with a strip-split plot arrangement, and three replicates. Sowing methods (18 days before soybean harvest and six days after soybean harvest) were allocated in the main plots, and the combination among forage species (Avena strigosa cv. IAPAR 61 + Lolium multiflorum; A. strigosa cv. Comum + L. multiflorum; A. strigosa cv. Comum + L. multiflorum + Vicia villosa; A. strigosa cv. Comum + L. multiflorum + Raphanus sativus; and L. multiflorum) and nitrogen levels (0, 140, 280 and 420 kg ha-1) in the plots and subplots,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Crop-livestock system; Disking process; Feed gap; No-tillage; Sowing date.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Dual-purpose wheat grain and animal production under different grazing periods PAB
Pitta,Christiano Santos Rocha; Soares,André Brugnara; Assmann,Tangriani Simioni; Adami,Paulo Fernando; Sartor,Laércio Ricardo; Migliorini,Francisco; Sollenberger,Lynn Elwood; Assmann,Alceu Luiz.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different grazing periods on beef animal production and on wheat forage and grain yield. The experiment was carried out in Pato Branco, PR, Brazil. Six grazing periods were evaluated (0, 21, 42, 63, 84, and 105 days) on dual-purpose wheat cultivar BRS Tarumã. Purunã steers, with average live weight of 162 kg and ten months of age, were kept under continuous grazing using a variable stocking rate, in order to maintain the established sward height of 25 cm. Greater increases in total animal gain (TAG) occurred with longer grazing periods. However, there was little increase after 63 days (490 kg ha-1), and TAG decreased from 552 to 448 kg ha-1 between 84 and 105 days. Grain yield decreased from 2,830...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Triticum aestivum; 'BRS Tarumã'; Forage mass; Nutritive value; Purunã steers; Weight gain.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Desempenho de forrageiras hibernais sob distintos níveis de luminosidade R. Bras. Zootec.
Kirchner,Roque; Soares,André Brugnara; Sartor,Laércio Ricardo; Adami,Paulo Fernando; Migliorini,Francisco; Fonseca,Lidiane.
Objetivou-se determinar os possíveis efeitos da restrição de luminosidade, obtida com distintas densidades de árvores de Pinnus taeda, sobre a produção e qualidade de: aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) cv. Comum, aveia-branca (Avena sativa L.) cv. Fapa 2, azevém (Lolium multiflorum L.) cv. Comum, trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) duplo propósito cv. BRS Tarumã e ervilhaca peluda (Vicia villosa L.). Avaliaram-se três níveis de luminosidade: a sol aberto (sem presença de árvores de Pinnus taeda), 30% de restrição de radiação (usando espaçamento entre árvores de 15 × 3 m, com 222 árvores/ha) e 60% de restrição de radiação (usando espaçamento de 9 × 3 m, com 370 árvores/ha). Foram realizadas avaliações da produção de forragem, da composição química e dos...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Composição química; Matéria seca; Sistema silvipastoril; Sombreamento.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Dynamic of a papuã pasture under two grazing intensities and two nitrogen levels R. Bras. Zootec.
Adami,Paulo Fernando; Soares,André Brugnara; Assmann,Tangriani Simione; Assmann,Alceu Luiz; Sartor,Laércio Ricardo; Pitta,Christiano Santos Rocha; Franchin,Marcia Fernanda; Migliorini,Francisco.
This work aimed to evaluate the effects of grazing intensities and nitrogen fertilization levels on the dynamics of a Brachiaria plantaginea pasture. The experiment was laid out as a random block design, in a 3 × 2 factorial scheme, composed of three nitrogen levels (0, 200 and 400 kg/ha nitrogen in urea form) and two grazing intensities termed low mass (LM; forage mass of 1500 kg of DM/ha) and high mass (HM; forage mass of 3000 kg of DM/ha) in a continuously stocked swards with two replications. Animals used were half-blood Boer goats averaging five months old and 21 kg body weight (BW) for adjustment of the target forage mass. Real forage mass, average height of the plants and animal stocking rates were of 2,567 and 3,862 kg DM/ha; 23.6 and 31.2 cm and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brachiaria plantaginea; Forage production; Forage nutritive value; Forage sward; Reseeding; Stocking rate.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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