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Morpho-anatomical and micromorphometrical evaluations in soybean genotypes during water stress BABT
Stolf,Renata; Medri,Moacyr Eurípedes; Pimenta,José Antônio; Boeger,Maria Regina Torres; Dias,Jaqueline; Lemos,Noélle Giacomini; Oliveira,Maria Cristina Neves de; Brogin,Rodrigo Luís; Yamanaka,Naoki; Neumaier,Norman; Farias,José Renato Bouça; Nepomuceno,Alexandre Lima.
In a greenhouse experiment, morpho-anatomical and micromorphometrical analyses of two soybean cultivars, MG/BR46 (Conquista) and BR16-tolerant and sensitive to drought, respectively-were used to study their water-deficit-tolerance strategies. Drought treatments were applied at reproductive stages from R2 to R7, where evaluations were conducted at 30 days and 45 days after stress started, respectively. The total length of Conquista plants (shoot + root) was greater than of BR16 plants. Pod dry weight was adversely affected due to the lack of moisture, decreasing productivity even of Conquista plants. Both the cultivars had normal development of root hairs; however, it was observed a decrease in the cortex:central cylinder ratio in BR16 stressed for 30 days,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anatomy; Leguminous; Drought; Root.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Expression of heat shock protein and trehalose-6-phosphate synthase homologues induced during water deficit in cotton Braz. J. Plant Physiol.
Nepomuceno,Alexandre Lima; Oosterhuis,Derrick; Stewart,James McD; Turley,Rickie; Neumaier,Norman; Farias,José Renato Bouças.
Tolerance to drought in plants is not a simple trait, but a complex of mechanisms working in combination to avoid or to resist water deficit. Genotypes that differ in tolerance to water deficit may show qualitative and quantitative differences in gene expression when submitted to drought periods. Four cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes (Siokra L-23, Stoneville 506, CS 50 and T-1521) with contrasting responses to water deficit stress were studied using the Differential Display (DD) technique to identify and isolate genes which may differ among them. Fifty-two cDNA fragments differentially expressed during water deficit were isolated, cloned and sequenced. Search of gene bank databases showed that two cDNA clones, A12B15-6 and A12B13-1, have high...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Calmodulin; Drought; Gene expression; Gossypium hirsutum L.; Trehalase.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Subtractive libraries for prospecting differentially expressed genes in the soybean under water deficit Genet. Mol. Biol.
Rodrigues,Fabiana Aparecida; Marcolino-Gomes,Juliana; Carvalho,Josirlei de Fátima Corrêa; Nascimento,Leandro Costa do; Neumaier,Norman; Farias,José Renato Bouças; Carazzolle,Marcelo Falsarella; Marcelino,Francismar Corrêa; Nepomuceno,Alexandre Lima.
Soybean has a wide range of applications in the industry and, due to its crop potential, its improvement is widely desirable. During drought conditions, soybean crops suffer significant losses in productivity. Therefore, understanding the responses of the soybean under this stress is an effective way of targeting crop improvement techniques. In this study, we employed the Suppressive Subtractive Hybridization (SSH) technique to investigate differentially expressed genes under water deficit conditions. Embrapa 48 and BR 16 soybean lines, known as drought-tolerant and -sensitive, respectively, were grown hydroponically and subjected to different short-term periods of stress by withholding the nutrient solution. Using this approach, we have identified genes...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gene expression; Drought; Transcriptome.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Heliotropic responses of soybean cultivars at three phenological stages and under two water regimes PAB
Rakocevic,Miroslava; Neumaier,Norman; Oliveira,Gustavo Migliorini de; Nepomuceno,Alexandre Lima; Farias,José Renato Bouças.
The objectives of this work were to determine the heliotropic movements of the upper trifoliates for two soybean cultivars, BR 16 and Embrapa 48, during a daily cycle, in three phenological stages and two water regimes, and to estimate the impact of irrigation and daily leaflet movements on agronomic characteristics and grain yield. Heliotropic movements were studied in three phenological stages: V4-V6, V7-V10, and R5 in irrigated and non-irrigated plots. For each stage, the leaflet elevation and azimuth were measured hourly. Under a low (V4-V6 stage) and mid (V7-V10 stage) leaf area index (LAI) the diaheliotropism was slightly more frequent and intensive in non-irrigated than in irrigated plants, only at early morning and late afternoon hours. At R5 stage...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Glycine max; Diaheliotropism; Irrigation; Leaf area index; Paraheliotropism.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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