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Metagenomic and PCR-Based Diversity Surveys of [FeFe]-Hydrogenases Combined with Isolation of Alkaliphilic Hydrogen-Producing Bacteria from the Serpentinite-Hosted Prony Hydrothermal Field, New Caledonia ArchiMer
Mei, Nan; Postec, Anne; Monnin, Christophe; Pelletier, Bernard; Payri, Claude E.; Menez, Benedicte; Frouin, Eleonore; Ollivier, Bernard; Erauso, Gael; Quemeneur, Marianne.
High amounts of hydrogen are emitted in the serpentinite-hosted hydrothermal field of the Prony Bay (PHF, New Caledonia), where high-pH (similar to 11), low-temperature (< 40 degrees C), and low-salinity fluids are discharged in both intertidal and shallow submarine environments. In this study, we investigated the diversity and distribution of potentially hydrogen-producing bacteria in Prony hyperalkaline springs by using metagenomic analyses and different PCR-amplified DNA sequencing methods. The retrieved sequences of hydA genes, encoding the catalytic subunit of [FeFe]-hydrogenases and, used as a molecular marker of hydrogen-producing bacteria, were mainly related to those of Firmicutes and clustered into two distinct groups depending on sampling...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrogen; Microbial diversity; Hydrogen producers; Serpentinization; HydA genes; [FeFe]-hydrogenase; Metagenomics.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Diversity, ecology, biogeography and evolution of the prevalent brown algal genus Lobophora in the greater Caribbean sea, including the description of five new species ArchiMer
Vieira, Christophe; Morrow, Kathleen; D'Hondt, Sofie; Camacho, Olga; Engelen, Aschwin H.; Payri, Claude E.; De Clerck, Olivier.
Distributed in tropical and warm‐temperate waters worldwide, Lobophora species are found across the Greater Caribbean (i.e., Caribbean sensu stricto, Gulf of Mexico, Florida, the Bahamas, and Bermuda). We presently discuss the diversity, ecology, biogeography and evolution of the Greater Caribbean Lobophora species based on previous studies and an extensive number of samples collected across the eastern, southern and to a lesser extent western Caribbean. A total of 18 Lobophora species are now documented from the Greater Caribbean, of which five are newly described (L. agardhii sp. nov., L. dickiei sp. nov., L. lamourouxii sp. nov., L. richardii sp. nov. and L. setchellii sp. nov.). Within the Greater Caribbean, the eastern Caribbean and the Central...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cox3; Eastern Caribbean; Greater Caribbean; Lobophora; Molecular taxonomy; Western Caribbean.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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PACE-NET. Pacific Europe Network for Science and Technology. Outcomes Compendium ArchiMer
Le Meur, Fadhila; Payri, Claude E.; PaceNet Consortium.
This report makes the synthesis of the works and the results acquired thanks to the development of the project Pace-Net (2010-2013) registered in the 7th framework program of the European Commission aiming to create a scientific and technological network between Europe and the Pacific in front of main common stakes. These concern the biodiversity and the environmental management, the climate change, the energy, the water, the agriculture and the forest, the natural risks, the fisheries and aquaculture and the trans-cutting approaches
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Species Diversity, Phylogeny and Large Scale Biogeographic Patterns of the Genus Padina (Phaeophyceae, Dictyotales) ArchiMer
Silberfeld, Thomas; Bittner, Lucie; Fernandez-garcia, Cindy; Cruaud, Corinne; Rousseau, Florence; De Reviers, Bruno; Leliaert, Frederik; Payri, Claude E.; De Clerck, Olivier.
The brown algal genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) is distributed worldwide in tropical and temperate seas. Global species diversity and distribution ranges, however, remain largely unknown. Species-level diversity was reassessed using DNA-based, algorithmic species delineation techniques based on cox3 and rbcL sequence data from 221 specimens collected worldwide. This resulted in estimates ranging from 39 to 61 putative species (ESUs), depending on the technique as well as the locus. We discuss the merits, potential pitfalls, and evolutionary and biogeographic significance of algorithmic species delineation. We unveil patterns whereby ESUs are in all but one case restricted to either the Atlantic or Indo-Pacific Ocean. Within ocean basins we find...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biogeography; Brown algae; Dictyotales; General mixed yule-coalescent model; Molecular phylogeny; Padina; Phaeophyceae; Species delineation.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Seagrass ecosystem contributions to people's quality of life in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories ArchiMer
Mckenzie, Len J.; Yoshida, Rudi L.; Aini, John W.; Andréfouet, Serge; Colin, Patrick L.; Cullen-unsworth, Leanne C.; Hughes, Alec T.; Payri, Claude E.; Rota, Manibua; Shaw, Christina; Tsuda, Roy T.; Vuki, Veikila C.; Unsworth, Richard K.f..
Seagrass ecosystems provide critical contributions (goods and perceived benefits or detriments) for the livelihoods and wellbeing of Pacific Islander peoples. Through in-depth examination of the contributions provided by seagrass ecosystems across the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), we find a greater quantity in the Near Oceania (New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago and the Solomon Islands) and western Micronesian (Palau and Northern Marianas) regions; indicating a stronger coupling between human society and seagrass ecosystems. We also find many non-material contributions historically have been overlooked and under-appreciated by decision-makers. Closer cultural connections likely motivate guardianship of seagrass ecosystems by Pacific...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seagrass; Ecosystem services; Nature's contributions to people; Traditional ecological knowledge; Coastal zone management; Marine policy.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Mineralizing Filamentous Bacteria from the Prony Bay Hydrothermal Field Give New Insights into the Functioning of Serpentinization-Based Subseafloor Ecosystems ArchiMer
Pisapia, Celine; Gerard, Emmanuelle; Gerard, Martine; Lecourt, Lena; Lang, Susan Q.; Pelletier, Bernard; Payri, Claude E.; Monnin, Christophe; Guentas, Linda; Postec, Anne; Quemeneur, Marianne; Erauso, Gael; Menez, Benedicte.
Despite their potential importance as analogs of primitive microbial metabolisms, the knowledge of the structure and functioning of the deep ecosystems associated with serpentinizing environments is hampered by the lack of accessibility to relevant systems. These hyperalkaline environments are depleted in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), making the carbon sources and assimilation pathways in the associated ecosystems highly enigmatic. The Prony Bay Hydrothermal Field (PHF) is an active serpentinization site where, similar to Lost City (Mid-Atlantic Ridge), high-pH fluids rich in H-2 and CH4 are discharged from carbonate chimneys at the seafloor, but in a shallower lagoonal environment. This study aimed to characterize the subsurface microbial ecology of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Serpentinization; Alkaline hydrothermalism; Deep life; Firmicutes; Acetothermia; Omnitrophica; Organic carbon.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Seagrass ecosystems of the Pacific Island Countries and Territories: A global bright spot ArchiMer
Mckenzie, Len J.; Yoshida, Rudi L.; Aini, John W.; Andréfouet, Serge; Colin, Patrick L.; Cullen-unsworth, Leanne C.; Hughes, Alec T.; Payri, Claude E.; Rota, Manibua; Shaw, Christina; Skelton, Posa A.; Tsuda, Roy T.; Vuki, Veikila C.; Unsworth, Richard K.f..
Seagrass ecosystems exist throughout Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). Despite this area covering nearly 8% of the global ocean, information on seagrass distribution, biogeography, and status remains largely absent from the scientific literature. We confirm 16 seagrass species occur across 17 of the 22 PICTs with the highest number in Melanesia, followed by Micronesia and Polynesia respectively. The greatest diversity of seagrass occurs in Papua New Guinea (13 species), and attenuates eastward across the Pacific to two species in French Polynesia. We conservatively estimate seagrass extent to be 1446.2 km2, with the greatest extent (84%) in Melanesia. We find seagrass condition in 65% of PICTs increasing or displaying no discernible trend...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seagrass; Ecosystem services; Habitats; Threats; Resilience; Management; DPSIR.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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PACE-NET, Pacific Europe Network for Science and Technology. Recommendations for a strategic plan on research, innovation and development in the Pacific ArchiMer
Le Meur, Fadhila; Payri, Claude E.; PaceNet Consortium.
This report which is one of final parts of the European project Pace-Net, makes a reminder of the starting points of this project, the setting up of the network further to four meetings: that of the kick off meeting in Nouméa in 2010, then a first workshop in Brisbane in 2011, one second in Brussels in 2012 and the closing seminar in Suva in March, 2013. We propose in conclusion a set of recommendations appropriate to the themes of the project which join the Pacific – Europe collaboration perspectives at the horizon 2020.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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