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Behavior of immunocastrated pigs R. Bras. Zootec.
Santos,Rita de Kássia Silva dos; Caldara,Fabiana Ribeiro; Moi,Marta; Santos,Luan Sousa dos; Nääs,Irenilza Alencar; Foppa,Luciana; Garcia,Rodrigo Garófallo; Borquis,Rusbel Raul Aspilcueta.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the behavior of immunocastrated male pigs compared with females and castrated males during the period before and after full immunization. A total of 30 animals were divided into three treatments, with ten animals in each (females, barrows, and immunocastrated males). The experiment was divided into three periods: 70 to 80 days of age (period 1), 81 to 110 days of age (period 2), and 111 to 140 days of age (period 3). The behavior of animals during these stages was evaluated. Immunocastrated males showed a higher rate of aggressive and sexual behavior during period 2, which decreased after the second vaccine dose. Both barrows and immunocastrated males presented high locomotion in period 1, reducing the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Immunocastration; Sexual activity; Sus scrofa; Swine production; Welfare.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Sequential feeding with diets varying in amino acid content for growing-finishing pigs Scientia Agricola
Silva,Welex Cândido da; Campos,Paulo Henrique Reis Furtado; Santos,Luan Sousa dos; Veira,Alini Mari; Fraga,Alícia Zem; Hauschild,Luciano.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the effects of daily phase feeding (DP) and sequential feeding (SEQ) on the feeding behavior, performance, and body composition of growing-finishing pigs. Sixty barrows at 29.7 ± 2.8 kg body weight (BW) were assigned to one of four treatments: DP with a blended proportion of feeds A (high nutrient density) and B (low nutrient density) was adjusted to match 100 % of daily amino acid (AA) diet recommendations (DP100); a negative treatment, which matched 70 % of daily AA diet recommendations (DP70); and two SEQ with a blend of feeds A and B, adjusted twice a day (at 00h00 and 12h00), to match 70 or 110 % of daily AA diet recommendations during two 12 h intervals: SEQ110-70 and SEQ70-110. DP70 and SEQ showed a lower feed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Circadian rhythms; Daily feeding phase; Feeding techniques; Precision feeding.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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