Registros recuperados: 14 | |
Silva,E.; Nogueira,J.N.. |
No presente trabalho foi estudado o efeito do SO2 e do ácido ascórbico na atividade da polifenol oxidase e peroxidase em algumas frutas e hortaliças, visando determinar as melhores condições para o controle da reação de escurecimento. Para a peroxidase das frutas e hortaliças, o ácido ascórbico foi considerado o melhor método de inativação. Já para a polifenol oxidase das frutas e hortaliças, o SO2 foi mais eficiente, porém mostrou-se inadequado para controlar a atividade da peroxidase em quase todos os produtos estudados. Uma combinação dos compostos utilizados (SQ2 e ácido ascórbico) parece ser o metodo mais indicado para o controle simultâneo da atividade das duas enzimas. |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Ano: 1983 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0071-12761983000100009 |
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Nogueira,J.N.; Silva,E.. |
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de comparar o efeito do calor, do SO2 e do ácido ascorbico, visando determinar qual o método mais eficiente para controlar o escurecimento enzímico de cada uma das frutas e hortaliças estudadas. Os resultados mostraram que para a banana, pêssego, maça, cenoura, couve-flor e palmito, o calor foi o melhor agente inativador do sistema enzímico responsável pelo escurecimento. O SO2 foi mais eficiente para a pera, e para o figo e batata, o melhor agente inibidor foi o ácido ascórbico. |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Inativação de enzimas; Frutas; Hortaliças; Polifenol oxidase; Peroxidase. |
Ano: 1989 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0071-12761989000200011 |
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Silva,E.; Nogueira,J.N.. |
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito de tratamentos térmicos na atividade da polifenol oxidase e da paroxidade em algumas frutas e hortaliças, bem como estudar a possível regeneração dessas enzimas após apertização. Em termos gerais, nas frutas a polifenol oxidase apresentou maior resistência à inativação pelo calor que a peroxidase e no caso das hortaliças ocorreu o inverso. Quanto à regeneração das enzimas após apertização, o fenômeno foi constatado somente no caso da peroxidase que mostrou assim grande estabilidade às condições adversas durante aquele tratamento térmico. A polifenol oxidase por sua vez, demonstrou ser uma enzima muito sensível, não se regenerando durante o tempo em que os produtos ficaram armazenados. |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Ano: 1983 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0071-12761983000100008 |
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Garrido,A.G.; Poli de Figueiredo,L.F.; Cruz Jr.,R.J.; Silva,E.; Rocha e Silva,M.. |
We investigated the systemic and regional hemodynamic effects of early crystalloid infusion in an experimental model of septic shock induced by intravenous inoculation with live Escherichia coli. Anesthetized dogs received an intravenous infusion of 1.2 x 10(10) cfu/kg live E. coli in 30 min. After 30 min of observation, they were randomized to controls (no fluids; N = 7), or fluid resuscitation with lactated Ringer's solution, 16 ml/kg (N = 7) or 32 ml/kg (N = 7) over 30 min and followed for 120 min. Cardiac index, portal blood flow, mean arterial pressure, systemic and regional oxygen-derived variables, blood lactate, and gastric PCO2 were assessed. Rapid and progressive cardiovascular deterioration with reduction in cardiac output, mean arterial... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Cardiac output; Escherichia coli; Gas tonometry; Portal blood flow; Septic shock. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-879X2005000600009 |
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Perseguini,N.M.; Takahashi,A.C.M.; Rebelatto,J.R.; Silva,E.; Borghi-Silva,A.; Porta,A.; Montano,N.; Catai,A.M.. |
The objective of this study was to use linear and non-linear methods to investigate cardiac autonomic modulation in healthy elderly men and women in response to a postural change from the supine to the standing position. Fourteen men (66.1 ± 3.5 years) and 10 women (65.3 ± 3.3 years) were evaluated. Beat-to-beat heart rate was recorded in the supine and standing positions. Heart rate variability was studied by spectral analysis, including both low (LFnu-cardiac sympathetic modulation (CSM) indicator) and high (HFnu-cardiac vagal modulation (CVM) indicator) frequencies in normalized units as well as the low frequency/high frequency (LF/HF) ratio. Symbolic analysis was performed using the following indexes: 0V% (CSM indicator), 1V% (CSM and CVM indicators),... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Heart rate variability; Autonomic nervous system; Symbolic analysis; Spectral analysis; Elderly; Gender. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-879X2011000100005 |
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Kunz,V.C.; Borges,E.N.; Coelho,R.C.; Gubolino,L.A.; Martins,L.E.B.; Silva,E.. |
The objectives of this study were to evaluate and compare the use of linear and nonlinear methods for analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) in healthy subjects and in patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Heart rate (HR) was recorded for 15 min in the supine position in 10 patients with AMI taking β-blockers (aged 57 ± 9 years) and in 11 healthy subjects (aged 53 ± 4 years). HRV was analyzed in the time domain (RMSSD and RMSM), the frequency domain using low- and high-frequency bands in normalized units (nu; LFnu and HFnu) and the LF/HF ratio and approximate entropy (ApEn) were determined. There was a correlation (P < 0.05) of RMSSD, RMSM, LFnu, HFnu, and the LF/HF ratio index with the ApEn of the AMI group on the 2nd (r = 0.87, 0.65,... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Myocardial infarction; Heart rate variability; Autonomic nervous system; Spectral analysis; Nonlinear dynamics. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-879X2012000500011 |
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Melo,R.C.; Santos,M.D.B.; Silva,E.; Quitério,R.J.; Moreno,M.A.; Reis,M.S.; Verzola,I.A.; Oliveira,L.; Martins,L.E.B.; Gallo-Junior,L.; Catai,A.M.. |
The effects of the aging process and an active life-style on the autonomic control of heart rate (HR) were investigated in nine young sedentary (YS, 23 ± 2.4 years), 16 young active (YA, 22 ± 2.1 years), 8 older sedentary (OS, 63 ± 2.4 years) and 8 older active (OA, 61 ± 1.1 years) healthy men. Electrocardiogram was continuously recorded for 15 min at rest and for 4 min in the deep breathing test, with a breath rate of 5 to 6 cycles/min in the supine position. Resting HR and RR intervals were analyzed by time (RMSSD index) and frequency domain methods. The power spectral components are reported in normalized units (nu) at low (LF) and high (HF) frequency, and as the LF/HF ratio. The deep breathing test was analyzed by the respiratory sinus arrhythmia... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other |
Palavras-chave: Heart rate variability; Respiratory sinus arrhythmia; Autonomic nervous system; Aging process; Aerobic exercise. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-879X2005000900007 |
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Catai,A.M.; Chacon-Mikahil,M.P.T.; Martinelli,F.S.; Forti,V.A.M.; Silva,E.; Golfetti,R.; Martins,L.E.B.; Szrajer,J.S.; Wanderley,J.S.; Lima-Filho,E.C.; Milan,L.A.; Marin-Neto,J.A.; Maciel,B.C.; Gallo-Junior,L.. |
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of aerobic physical training (APT) on heart rate variability (HRV) and cardiorespiratory responses at peak condition and ventilatory anaerobic threshold. Ten young (Y: median = 21 years) and seven middle-aged (MA = 53 years) healthy sedentary men were studied. Dynamic exercise tests were performed on a cycloergometer using a continuous ramp protocol (12 to 20 W/min) until exhaustion. A dynamic 24-h electrocardiogram was analyzed by time (TD) (standard deviation of mean R-R intervals) and frequency domain (FD) methods. The power spectral components were expressed as absolute (a) and normalized units (nu) at low (LF) and high (HF) frequencies and as the LF/HF ratio. Control (C) condition: HRV in TD... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Heart rate variability; Power spectral density analysis; Anaerobic threshold; Aerobic exercise training; Autonomic nervous system and aging processes in man. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-879X2002000600016 |
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Neves,V.F.C.; Silva de Sá,M.F.; Gallo Jr.,L.; Catai,A.M.; Martins,L.E.B.; Crescêncio,J.C.; Perpétuo,N.M.; Silva,E.. |
The aim of the present study was to determine whether estrogen therapy (ET) reduces alterations of the autonomic control of heart rate (HR) due to hypoestrogenism and aging. Thirteen young (24 ± 2.6 years), 10 postmenopausal (53 ± 4.6 years) undergoing ET (PM-ET), and 14 postmenopausal (56 ± 2.6 years) women not undergoing ET (PM) were studied. ET consisted of 0.625 mg/day conjugated equine estrogen. HR was recorded continuously for 8 min at rest in the supine and sitting positions. HR variability (HRV) was analyzed by time (SDNN and rMSSD indices) and frequency domain methods. Power spectral components are reported as normalized units (nu) at low (LF) and high (HF) frequencies, and as LF/HF ratio. Intergroup comparisons: SDNN index was higher in young... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Heart rate variability; Aging; Menopause; Estrogen therapy. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-879X2007000400007 |
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Ribeiro,T.F.; Azevedo,G.D.; Crescêncio,J.C.; Marães,V.R.F.S.; Papa,V.; Catai,A.M.; Verzola,R.M.M.; Oliveira,L.; Silva de Sá,M.F.; Gallo Jr.,L.; Silva,E.. |
The aim of the present study was to compare the modulation of heart rate in a group of postmenopausal women to that of a group of young women under resting conditions on the basis of R-R interval variability. Ten healthy postmenopausal women (mean ± SD, 58.3 ± 6.8 years) and 10 healthy young women (mean ± SD, 21.6 ± 0.82 years) were submitted to a control resting electrocardiogram (ECG) in the supine and sitting positions over a period of 6 min. The ECG was obtained from a one-channel heart monitor at the CM5 lead and processed and stored using an analog to digital converter connected to a microcomputer. R-R intervals were calculated on a beat-to-beat basis from the ECG recording in real time using a signal-processing software. Heart rate variability (HRV)... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Heart rate variability; Menopause; Autonomic nervous system; Time domain indexes. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-879X2001000700006 |
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Registros recuperados: 14 | |