Registros recuperados: 16 | |
Walkenhorst, M.; Ivemeyer, S.; Schaette, R.; Mayer, P.; Arndt, G.. |
The gap between performance and feed intake in early lactating dairy cows often leads to metabolic imbalance which is connected to udder inflammation (UI). A study with 72 dairy cows calving from November 2010 to March 2011 on 10 Swiss and German farms was conducted to test the effect of a herbal feed additive (HFA) containing mainly Urtica dioica L. (herba), Silybum marianum (L.) Gaert. (fructus), Artemisia absinthium L. (herba) and Achillea millefolium L. (herba). Cows were stratified (farm and milk yield) randomised divided into three groups. From 14 days prior predicted calving to the end of the following lactation cows received daily 100 g pellets containing A: 100% HFA, B: 50% HFA and 50% alfalfa and C: 100% alfalfa (placebo). Two or three cows per... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/25311/1/walkenhorst-etal-2013-PlantaMedical-79-PL25.pdf |
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Heckendorn, F.; Giebler-Schubert, F.; Walkenhorst, M.; Fertig, O.; Hamburger, M.; Potterat, O.; Valle-Zárate, A.. |
Gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) substantially impact on goat health. Because of the widespread development of GIN, resistant to allopathic drugs, further research into alternative parasite control methods is required [1]. Silver fir, Abies alba MILL (SF), is traditionally used by Swiss farmers in order to control GIN infections of goats but also to improve animal welfare. A survey among goat farmers revealed that goat farmers use SF in winter during a period of approximately five months. The SF-ration per animal and day differ between approximately 8.2 g dry matter (DM) to 600 g DM [2]. As there is scientific evidence neither for an anthelmintic potential nor for the feed intake and milk performance of SF, we conducted a study with 30 goats. For a 20... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth; Sheep and goats; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/23306/1/Silver_Fir_Planta_Medica_2013_79_1239.pdf |
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Ivemeyer, S.; Smolders, G.; Brinkmann, J.; Gratzer, E.; Hansen, B.; Henriksen, B.I.F.; Huber, J.; Leeb, C.; March, S.; Mejdell, C.M.; Roderick, S.; Stöger, E.; Vaarst, M.; Whitstance, L.K.; Winckler, C.; Walkenhorst, M.. |
To improve the sustainability of dairy production it is essential to establish practices that reduce medicine use whilst safeguarding or improving herd health and productivity. Aiming at minimising medicine use through animal health and welfare planning (AHWP), 111farms in 6 countries were monitored as part of the wide CORE Organic lic ANIPLAN project. For this purpose, the number of udder treatments with antibiotics was recorded. Somatic cell score (SCS) served as an indicator of udder health, and milk yield and average Iactation number were calculated at the farm Ievel from milk recording data. Treatment and milk recording data were collected for a one year period before and after a first farm visit. AHWP was carried out either in stable schools or... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/19962/1/Ivemeyer2011_ANIPLAN%2Dudderhealth_%23imc11.pdf |
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Klarer, F.; Stöger, E.; Bubenhofer, R.; Walkenhorst, M.; Meier, B.. |
Introduction: In Switzerland, the administration of medicinal plants to livestock is almost completely confined to the use of home remedies. To save this traditional knowledge, which has been handed down through word of mouth, a project aims to collect this information from different regions of Switzerland. Grison home remedies have been evaluated to decide whether or not they can be recommended. Methods: 32 current or former Grison livestock keepers (average age 59 years) provided information on the home remedies they use or have used to maintain the health of their cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses and to treat them. The data collection was conducted by interview (28 on-site, 3 by phone, 1 in writing) with a standardised questionnaire about... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Production systems; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/25310/1/klarer-etal-2013-PlantaMedica-79-PL11.pdf |
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Vaarst, M.; Brinkmann, J.; Gratzer, E.; Jansen, B.; Henriksen, B.I.F.; Huber, J.; Ivemeyer, S.; Leeb, C.; March, S.; Mejdell, C.; Neale, M.; Nicholas, P.; Roderik, S.; Rogerson, I.; Smolders, G.; Stöger, E.; Walkenhorst, M.; Whistance, L.K.; Winckler, C.. |
Livestock is important in many organic farming systems, and it is an explicit goal to ensure high levels of animal health and welfare (AHW) through good management. This will lead to reduced medicine use and better quality of animal products. In two EU network projects NAHWOA & SAFO it was concluded that this is not guaranteed merely by following organic standards. Both networks recommended implementation of individual animal health plans to stimulate organic farmers to improve AHW. These plans should include a systematic evaluation of AHW and be implemented through dialogue with each farmer in order to identify goals and plan improvements. 15 research institutions in 8 European countries are involved in the proposed project with the main objective to... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/18772/1/18772%2D07OE003%2Duni_goettingen%2Dwinckler%2D2010%2Dminimising_medicine_use.pdf |
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Mayer, M.; Zbinden, M.; Vogl, C. R.; Ivemeyer, S.; Meier, B.; Amorena, M.; Maeschli, A.; Hamburger, M.; Walkenhorst, M.. |
BACKGROUND: Ethnoveterinary knowledge in Europe may play an important role as a basis for sustainable treatment options for livestock. Aims of our study were (a) to compare the ethnoveterinary practices of two culturally and sociodemographically different regions of Switzerland, (b) to compare results with earlier ethnoveterinary studies conducted in Switzerland and in adjacent Italian regions and, (c) to evaluate possible reasons for regional differences in European ethnoveterinary medicine. METHODS: 25 interviews were conducted in 2014 in all Italian speaking regions (ItR) of Switzerland, and 31 interviews were held in five north-western German speaking Cantons (GeC). Semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect detailed information regarding... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Crop husbandry; Health and welfare; Switzerland; Germany. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34516/1/mayer-etal-2017_J%20EthnobiolEthnomed-Vol13-Issue1-p1-23.pdf |
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Vaarst, M.; Leeb, C.; Nicholas, P.; Roderick, S.; Smoulders, G.; Walkenhorst, M.; Brinkman, J.; March, S.; Ströger, E.; Gratzer, E.; Winckler, C.; Lund, V.; Henriksen, B.I.F.; Hansen, B.; Neale, M.; Whistance, L.K.. |
Good animal health and welfare is an explicit goal of organic livestock farming, and will need continuous development and adjustment on the farms. Furthermore, the very different conditions in different regions of Europe calls for models that can be integrated into local practice and be relevant for each type of farming context. A European project with participants from seven countries have been established with the aim of developing principles for animal health and welfare planning in organic dairy farming, based on a process where knowledge about the status within a given herd will be included as background for taking decisions and planning future improvements. An important part of the planning process is communication with other farmers as well as... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Education; Extension and communication Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/13729/1/Development_of_animal.pdf |
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Ivemeyer, S.; Maeschli, A.; Walkenhorst, M.; Klocke, P.; Heil, F.; Oser, S.; Notz, C.. |
Am Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) wird im pro-Q-Projekt seit 2003 Bestandesbetreuung mit Schwerpunkt Eutergesundheit auf Schweizer Betrieben durchgeführt. Zentrales Projektziel ist dabei die Reduktion des Antibiotikaeinsatzes zur Behandlung von Mastitiden und zum Trockenstellen bei verbesserter oder gleichbleibender Eutergesundheit. Des Weiteren soll langfristig die Nutzungsdauer verlängert werden. Die Betriebsentwicklung der 65 untersuchten Betriebe zeigt, dass sich der Antibiotikaeinsatz in 2 Jahren im Schnitt aller Betriebe von 38 auf 26 Behandlungen/100 Kühe und Jahr um 32% senken liess, während die Eutergesundheit gemessen an der theoretischen Tankmilchzellzahl im Mittel bei rund 180'000/ml gleich blieb. Signifikanten Einfluss auf... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/14747/1/Ivemeyer_et_al_2008_%2D_SAT1008.pdf |
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Perruchoud, T.; Maeschli, A.; Bachmann, H.; Walkenhorst, M.; Schüpbach, G.; Mevissen, M.; Zanolari, P.. |
Ziel der Online-Umfrage war, die diagnostische, therapeutische und prophylaktische Vorgehensweise bei Milchkühen mit hypokalzämischer Gebärparese in der Praxis zu erfassen. Alle Mitglieder der Vereinigung für Wiederkäuergesundheit wurden per E-Mail kontaktiert. Von den 393 versandten Fragebögen wurden 108 (28%) vollständig ausgefüllt und ausgewertet. Im Vorbericht der an Gebärparese erkrankten Tiere wurden festliegende, pluripare Milchkühe mit mittlerer Milchleistung, ein Tag post partum, mit normalem Bewusstseinszustand genannt. Die Diagnose wird häufig an Hand der Vorgeschichte gestellt. Die betroffenen Milchkühe werden mit Mischinfusionen (Kalzium- und Phosphorpräparate, teilweise mit Magnesium sowie Glukose) und oralen Kalziumpräparaten behandelt. Die... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Feeding and growth; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34522/1/Perruchoud-etal-2017_SchweizerArchivTierheilk_Band159_Heft6_p335-343.pdf |
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Hoby, S.; Wenker, C.; Walkenhorst, M.. |
Phytotherapy is one of the oldest medical disciplines and was traditionally based on empiricism (Reichling et al., 2008). Nowadays, its use as an additional integral component of evidence based medicine is well accepted in human medicine (Finkelmann, 2009). Herbal remedies are generally characterised by a broad therapeutic index. They consist of multicomponent mixtures and act as multi-target drugs with pleiotropic effects. In Switzerland, veterinary phytotherapy has been relaunched in 2006 as a subunit of the Swiss Medical Society for Phytotherapy (SMGP-vet). Since 2012, the certificate of qualification in veterinary phytotherapy has been approved by the Swiss Veterinary Association (GST/SVS). Historically, one of the common approaches to gain insight... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34517/1/hoby-etal-2015-SchweizerArchivTierheilk_Band157-Heft11_p619-623.pdf |
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Disler, M.; Schmid, K.; Ivemeyer, S.; Hamburger, M.; Walkenhorst, M.. |
This study describes the composition of 34 traditional homemade herbal remedies used by farmers of 7 northern Swiss cantons in 49 different applications regarding wounds and other skin alterations in livestock. Twelve plant species from 8 families were identified. Matricaria recutita L. and Calendula officinalis L. were the most often administered plants both from the most frequently used plant family of Asteraceae. The processing of the formulations was mainly based on oil/fat and water extractions. Farmers used bathes, wash and compresses or simply the direct administration of ointments to the lesions. Regarding recent pharmaceutical and human clinical research results the use of the most often named plant species seems to be eligible. |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/21402/1/21402_Walkenhorst.pdf |
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Walkenhorst, M.; Heil, F.; Ivemeyer, S.; Notz, Ch.; Mäschli, A.; Klocke, P.. |
The pro-q-project is an udder health programme especially for organic farmers under Swiss conditions. The aim is to minimize the use of s antibiotics and to assure a good udder health state on the farms. At the end of the third project year of 100 project farms 16 participate for more than two years. The udder health situation of these 16 farms improved moderately in the second project year (37% of the cows with a so-matic cell count > 100’000/ml) compared to the year before project start (40% of the cows with a somatic cell count > 100’000/ml). Furthermore, a nearly linear increase of the arithmetic mean of herd lactation number (3.27 year before project start, 3.33 first project year, 3.44 second project year, resp.) could be found. The number of... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/9475/1/9475_Walkenhorst_Poster.pdf |
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Disler, M.; Schmid, K.; Ivemeyer, S.; Hamburger, M.; Walkenhorst, M.. |
Ethnoveterinary surveys are missing for wide areas of Europe. During the years 2011 and 2012 80 farmers on 64 farms in seven cantons of Northern Switzerland (Aargau, Zürich, Schaffhausen, St. Gallen, Thurgau, Appenzell Innerhoden and Appenzell Ausserrhoden) were interviewed. More than 500 homemade herbal remedies (HMHR) were documented regarding the used plant species, modes of preparation, dosage, routes of administration, category of use and origin of knowledge. A selection was made by choosing all HMHR which (a) contain only one herbal drug, (b) are used to treat skin alterations and wounds, (c) were administered to the skin, (d) were obtained from forefathers and relatives and (e) have been used by the interview partners themselves at least 5 times... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Production systems; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/25312/1/disler-etal-2013-PlantaMedical-79-PL24.pdf |
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Leiber, F.; Ivemeyer, S.; Perler, E.; Krenmayr, I.; Mayer, P.; Walkenhorst, M.. |
Aim of this study was to test the influence of feeding strategy on faecal particle size distribution as indicator of fibre digestion under on-farm conditions. Seventy-six cows from 11 farms, located in Switzerland and southern Germany were included. Cows were monitored up to eight times during one full lactation. All valid individual test days resulted in a total of 347 datasets. Milk yield and composition were recorded. Diet composition was described in a binary yes/noindication for the presence or non-presence of different roughage components (fresh grass, grass silage, hay, maize silage and straw) and the exact amount of concentrates. Faecal samples were taken at each test day and sieved with a set of four wire‐mesh screens with pore sizes of 4mm, 2mm,... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Feeding and growth. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/28217/1/Leiber-etal-2015-JAPS-Vol25-1-p153-159.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 16 | |