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Effects of sowing depths on growth and rooting patterns of cowpea and mungbean in a deep sand with shallow water table Thai Agricultural
Budsaba Buakum; Viriya Limpinuntana; Nimitr Vorasoot; Krirk Pannangpetch; Bell, Richard William.
In some dry-season cropping areas of northeast Thailand, farmers can grow selected annual legumes without irrigation by deep seeding. This cropping system seems to depend on capillary water rising from a shallow water table and seems to be suitable for peanut and cowpea but not other legumes. Seedlings planted by deep seeding might produce more roots under the seed position and could facilitate plants to absorb more water in deep soil because their roots were closer to water table. The present experiment was set up to investigate the differences of growth and rooting patterns between cowpea and mungbean planted at different sowing depths in a sandy soil with a shallow water table. Cowpea and mungbean seeds were sown in soil columns either shallow (~5 cm)...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Seeding depth; Root system; Legume; Receding soil moisture; Seeding depth; ถั่วพุ่ม; ถั่วเขียว; ระดับความลึก; ระบบการปลูกพืช; รูปแบบรากพืช; ความชื้นในดิน; ดินทราย; การเจริญเติบโต.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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ศักยภาพของดินทางการเกษตรบนลำดับภูมิประเทศที่เกิดมาจากหินทราย Thai Agricultural
Jeeranut Hongjaturun; Suphicha Thanachit; Somchai Anusontpornperm; Anchalee Suddhiprakarn.
Potential of soils for growing cassava and sugarcane on toposequence of sandstone low hill atKrissana subdistrict, Sikhiu district, Nakhon Ratchasima province was undertaken on four locations, summit slope,upper middle slope, lower middle slope, and footslope of low hill. All four soils were classified as Typic Paleustults.They were deep soils with well drained feature. Groundwater depth at the time of sampling was between 125-200 m where the soil on the middle slope had the shallowest ground water level of 125 m. Their topsoils had brown tostrong brown colours. The colour of subsoils of soil on the summit was red and became yellow with a presence of mottles in soils located on the middle slope to the lowest position of the study area. Physico-chemical...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Typic Paleustults; Sugarcane; Cassava; Topography; Sandy soils; Toposequence; Sand stone; มันสำปะหลัง; อ้อย; สภาพพื้นที่; ดินทราย; สมบัติทางเคมี; สมบัติทางกายภาพ; สมบัติทางสัณฐานวิทยา; ลำดับภูมิประเทศ; ความเหมาะสมของที่ดิน; หินทราย.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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ผลของการไถพรวนต่อสมบัติดินและผลผลิตข้าวโพดที่ปลูกบนดินชุดดินวาริน Thai Agricultural
Pattra Prasertsombut; Suphicha Thanachit; Somchai Anusontpornperm; Irb Kheoruenromne.
Study on the effect of tillage on the change of soil properties, nitrogen leaching away from root zone, yield and plant nutrient uptake of maize grown on Warin soil series (Arenic Haplustult) was carried out in Ban Nonsomboon, Krissana sub-district, Sikhiu Nakhon district, Nakhon Ratchasima province. The experimental design employing randomized complete block design consisted of four various tillage methods as follow; conventional tillage (using 3-disc followed by 7-disc plough), reduced tillage (using only 7-disc plough), mulch tillage (using 7-disc plough with plant residues left to cover soil surface) and no-tillage. Results showed that conventional tillage tended to give a maximum grain yield of 566 kg/rai. The lowest amount of grain yield (479 kg/rai)...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Maize; Soil property; Conventional tillage; Conservation tillage; Sandy soil; Warin soil; ข้าวโพด; ดินทราย; คุณสมบัติดิน; การไถพรวนดินปกติ; การไถพรวนดินอนุรักษ์; การสูญเสียไนโตรเจน; ชุดดินวาริน.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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การจัดการธาตุอาหารพืชที่เหมาะสมเพื่อการผลิตอ้อยในดินทราย ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ Thai Agricultural
Suphakarn Luanmanee; Kobkiet Paisancharoen; Chayan Pakdeethai; Srisuda Thippayarugs; Wanlee Amonpon.
An effective nutrient management for plant cane production on sandy soil was investigated. This aimed to be a guideline of fertilizer recommendation for plant cane production on sandy soil in the Northeast of Thailand. The experiment was conducted in Ban Phai soil series at Khon Kaen Province. The experimental design was split-split plot with 3 replications. Main plots comprised 1) without soil amendment and 2) amendment with 100 kg/rai of dolomite and 1,000 kg/rai of filtercake compost. Subplots consisted of Khon Kaen 3 and LK92-11 sugarcane varieties. Sub-subplots were fertilizer application levels i.e. 0-6-18, 9-6-18, 18-6-18, and 27-6-18 kg N-P2O5-K2O/rai. The results showed that average yield of plant cane grown on infertile Ban Phai soil series...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Sugarcane; Nutrient management; Nitrogen use efficiency; Filtercake compost; Sandy soil; Ban Phai soil series; Northeast of Thailand; อ้อย; การจัดการธาตุอาหาร; ปุ๋ยไนโตรเจน; ปุ๋ยหมักกากตะกอน; หม้อกรองอ้อย; ดินทราย; ชุดดินบ้านไผ่; พันธุ์; ผลผลิต; ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ; จ.ขอนแก่น.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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การจัดการธาตุอาหารพืชที่เหมาะสมเพื่อการผลิตอ้อยในดินทรายภาคตะวันออก Thai Agricultural
Wanlee Amonpon; Pinit Kalayasilapin; Suphakarn Luanmanee; Srisuda Thippayarugs; Kobkiet Paisancharoen.
To increase sugarcane production in present situation of costly chemical fertilizers, it a good nutrient management which is specified to production area is required. Therefore, the response of sugarcane to nutrient management in sandy soil in the Eastern part of Thailand had been investigated. The study aimed to get the most effectively recommendation of fertilizer application for sugarcane grown on sandy soils. The experiment was conducted on Sattahip (Sh) sandy soil, at Muang district, Rayong province. The experimental design was a split-split plot with 3 replications. Main plot was compresed of 2 soil improvements which were 1) without soil amendment, 2) amendment with 100 kg/rai of dolomite and 1,000 kg/rai of filtercake. Sub-plot consisted of 2...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Sugarcane production; Optimal crop nutrient management; Sandy soil; Eastern region; Thailand; อ้อย; การจัดการธาตุอาหารพืช; ดินทราย; ผลผลิต; ประสิทธิภาพของปุ๋ยไนโตรเจน; ชุดดินสัตหีบ; ภาคตะวันออก; ประเทศไทย.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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