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Socio-economic determinants of the awareness and adoption of citrus production practices in Pakistan Ciência Rural
Ashraf,Saleem; Khan,Ghazanfar Ali; Ali,Shoukat; Iftikhar,Muhammad.
Citrus is the leading fruit of Pakistan and famous worldwide especially kinnow cultivar because of its pleasant taste and remarkable quality. The yield of citrus per hectare in Pakistan is almost half of potential due to non-adoption of recommended horticultural practices by citrus growers. Adopting a decision regarding the improvement of practices is usually influenced by various factors including farmers' socio-economic attributes. In order to determine the relationship between socio-economic aspects and the awareness and adoption of recommended citrus production practices the present study was carried out in Sargodha district from central Punjab, Pakistan. The Study was based upon cross sectional survey research design due to availability of sampling...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Awareness; Adoption; Citrus; Horticultural; Agri. extension.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Sistema plantio direto: o produtor pergunta, a Embrapa responde. Infoteca-e
Adoção; Palha; Manejo de material orgânico; Culturas, sucessões e rotações; Água e temperatura do solo; Biologia do solo; Compactação do solo; Terraços; Correção do solo; Adubação; Coleta de amostras de solo e de planta; Mecanização; Tecnologia de aplicação de defensivos agrícolas; Plantas daninhas e seu controle; Manejo de pragas; Manejo de doenças; Integração agricultura - pecuária; Custos de produção; Agricultura de precisão.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Sistema de plantio direto; Adoption; Production cost; Plantio direto; Plantio; Custo de produção; Adubação; Fertilizers; Technology.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Vulnerabilidade dos pequenos agricultores em relação as tecnologias de convivência com a seca: um estudo de caso. Infoteca-e
Os pequenos agricultores da regiao semi-arida do Nordeste brasileiro tem, na agricultura de subsistencia ou familiar, sua principal fonte de renda. Estes agricultores sao bastante vulneraveis as condicoes agrossocioeconomicas e climaticas da regiao e, sobretudo, em relacao as tecnologias desenvolvidas pela pesquisa agricola para a convivencia com a seca. Este trabalho teve como objetivos identificar algumas tecnologias de convivencia com a seca e verificar a vulnerabilidade dos pequenos agricultores em relacao a estas tecnologias.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Convivência; Adoção; Resistance; Adoption; Small farmers; Natural resource; Recurso natural; Pequeno Produtor; Seca; Tecnologia; Drought; Technology.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Proposta preliminar para o desenvolvimento de um programa de difusão de tecnologia na EMBRAPA. Infoteca-e
EMBRAPA. Departamento de Difusão de Tecnologia..
Proposicoes para a difusao de tecnologia; Estrutura da difusao de tecnologia nas unidades de pesquisa descentralizadas; Sugestao de organograma para o Departamento de Difusao de Tecnologia; Sistematica de programacao e acompanhamnento das atividades de difusao; Avaliacao da metodologia dos sistemas de producao; Treinamento; Relacionamento interorganizacional.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Transferencia; Adocao; Brasil; Transfer; Adoption; Agricultura; Assistência Técnica; Agriculture; Brazil.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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International Centers and National Systems for agricultural research: an institution-building approach. Infoteca-e
ALVES, E. R. de A..
Coleção Eliseu Alves: Biblioteca da Embrapa Sede.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Instituicao; Transferencia; Adocao; Desenvolvimento; Institution; Transfer; Adoption; Development; Agricultura; Pesquisa; Tecnologia; Agriculture; Research; Technology.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Difusão de tecnologia no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Milho e Sorgo. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Difusao; Geracao; Adocao; Transferencia; Generation; Adoption; Transfer; Technical assistance; Rural extension; Production system; Agricultura; Assistência Técnica; Extensão Rural; Tecnologia; Sistema de Produção; Agriculture; Technology.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Adoption of an orphan infant in wild black and gold howler monkeys (Alouatta caraya) Mastozool. neotrop.
Pavé,Romina; Kowalewski,Martín M.; Zunino,Gabriel E..
This study reports the first case of adoption in a wild group of black and gold howler monkeys (Alouatta caraya). After the death of one adult female with a dependent infant, her daughter with a dependent infant adopted the orphan of similar age of her own infant. We recorded the activity and proximity between the adopter and both infants during two following days. The adoptive female appeared to provide equal treatment toward both infants and the orphan seemed to recognize the female as his mother. This report suggests that adult females of A. caraya can rear two infants at once.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adoption; Alloparental care; Alouatta caraya; Kin selection; Orphans.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Adoption of Conservation Agriculture Technologies by Smallholder Farmers in the Shamva District of Zimbabwe: A Tobit application AgEcon
Chiputwa, Brian; Langyintuo, Augustine S.; Wall, Patrick.
Conventional agricultural practices such as the use of the moldboard plough are no longer sustainable due to their extensive soil degradation effects. As a panacea, several Conservation Agriculture (CA) technologies have been promoted to improve soil structure and water conservation. However, adoption of these technologies has been resisted by smallholder farmers and identifying causes of the low adoption rates to facilitate intervention strategies remains a challenge to development practitioners. Using data from 100 farmers, this paper uses a Tobit application to assess the underlying factors important in determining farmers’ adoption of zero-tillage, crop rotation and contour ridging technologies. Empirical results suggest that adoption and use intensity...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Conservation Agriculture (CA); Conventional Farming (CF) technology; Tobit Model; Adoption; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Farm Management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Policy-Induced Technology Adoption: Evidence from the U.S. Lead Phasedown AgEcon
Kerr, Suzi; Newell, Richard G..
The theory of environmental regulation suggests that economic instruments, such as taxes and tradable permits, create more effective technology adoption incentives than conventional regulatory standards. We explore this issue for an important industry undergoing technological responses to a dramatic decrease in allowed pollution levels - the petroleum industry's phasedown of lead in gasoline. Using a panel of refineries from 1971 to 1995, we provide some of the first direct evidence that alternative policies affect the pattern of adoption in expected ways. Importantly, we find that the tradable permit system used during the lead phasedown provided incentives for more efficient technology adoption decisions. Where environmentally appropriate, this suggests...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Technology; Adoption; Diffusion; Environment; Regulation; Lead; Gasoline; Tradable permit; Incentive-based policy; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; C41; L71; O31; O33; Q28; Q48.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Property rights and crop choice in rural Peru, 1994-2004 AgEcon
Field, Alfred J.; Field, Erica Marie; Torero, Maximo.
The period of 1994 to 2004 was one in which rural households in Peru experienced dramatic changes in ownership rights through a large nation-wide land titling program and a significant opening of the economy to international trade. This paper takes this prime opportunity to examine whether lack of ownership rights presents a significant barrier to the adoption of commercial crops and/or modern farming practices as a result to changes which reduced domestic market distortions, opened up the economy and thereby presumably altered relative prices between traditional agricultural crops and those produced primarily for export. To the extent that participation was quasi-exogenous to other household features influencing production choices, the titling program...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Rural households; International trade; Property rights; Land rights; Titling; Adoption; Commercial crops; Exports; Indigenous crops; Poverty; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Adoption et Impact Socio-Esonomique de la semi-mecanisation du Procede de Transformation des Amandes de Karite en Beurre au Nord-Benin AgEcon
Ahouandjinou, Morenike Cendrine; Adegbola, Patrice Ygue; Yabi, Jacob Afouda; Adekambi, Souleimane Adeyemi.
In order to diversify the sources of incomes of the country, to reduce the financial risks and to improve the farmers’ revenues, the government of Benin decided to promote new agricultural sectors. One of those new sub-sectors is shea tree which is targeted in this study. Due to the painful of certain stages of shea butter processing, the semi-mechanization was initiated. The paper uses data from a stratified random sample of 198 shea butter producers to assess the adoption and impact of this semi-mechanization in North-Benin. A multinomial probit model is estimated to analyze the factors which explain the adoption of each type of technology. A counterfactual approach drawing from a modern evaluation theory is used to evaluate the impact of this...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Adoption; Impact; Shea butter; Semi mechanization; Income; Benin; Farm Management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Farm level adoption decisions of soil and water management technologies in semi-arid Eastern Kenya AgEcon
Bett, Charles.
In this paper the conceptual framework of individual farmers' adoption decisions of new agricultural technologies is used to identify factors that influence adoption modified fanya juu terraces in semi-arid eastern Kenya. The adoption decision model was specified using farm and farmers' characteristics and technology characteristics though likely to influence farmers' adoption behaviour. To test intensity of adoption a Torbit model was specified and estimated. Results of logit regression analysis reveal that access to markets, education, costs, technology attributes, labour, credit and risk preferences significantly influenced adoption decisions. Results from the estimated intensity of adoption model (tobit) show that variation in the proportion of land...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Logit analysis; Tobit analysis; Modified terraces; Adoption; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Franzel, Steven Charles; Phiri, Donald; Mafongoya, Paramu; Jere, Isaac; Katanga, Roza; Phiri, Stanslous.
Although there is increasing emphasis on targeting of improved technology towards poor and female farmers, few adoption studies assess the uptake of new practices by these groups in a comprehensive manner. In this study, community members used the wealth ranking method to identify the different wealth groups in their communities, to determine each household's wealth status, and to assess the association of wealth and different types of households with the planting of improved tree fallows, a practice for improving crop yields. There were no significant differences between the proportions of women and men planting improved fallows nor were there differences between single women and female heads of households who were married. There was some evidence of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Adoption; Agroforestry; Participatory research; Sesbania sesban; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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A Dynamic Decision Model of Technology Adoption under Uncertainty: Case of Herbicide-Resistant Rice AgEcon
Annou, Mamane Malam; Wailes, Eric J.; Thomsen, Michael R..
Herbicide-resistant (HR) rice technology is a potential tool for control of red rice in commercial rice production. Using an ex ante mathematical programming framework, this research presents an empirical analysis of HR rice technology adoption under uncertainty. The analysis accounts for stochastic germination of red rice and sheath blight to model a profit maximization problem of crop rotation among HR rice, regular rice, and soybeans. The results demonstrate that risk attitudes and technology efficiency determine adoption rates and optimal rotation patterns.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Herbicide resistance; Mathematical programming; Profit maximization; Rice; Risk; Rotation; Technology; Adoption; Crop Production/Industries; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Q16; Q18; O33; C61.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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The Maize Green Revolution in Kenya Revisited AgEcon
De Groote, Hugo; Owuor, George; Doss, Cheryl R.; Ouma, James Okuro; Muhammad, Lutta; Danda, Milton Kengo.
The maize green revolution, which increased maize yields through the use of improved varieties and fertilizer, has stalled since the mid-eighties in Kenya. This paper examines whether the stagnation of yields continued in the 1990s in spite of the implementation of the maize liberalization policies by the Kenya Government. Analysis of farm level surveys from 1992 and 2002 indicates slight increases in the use of improved maize varieties and fertilizer, but a substantial decrease in the intensity of fertilizer use. The econometric analysis suggests that the intensity of fertilizer use has a major effect on yield. The use of improved maize varieties, however, did not affect yield, suggesting that there are local varieties for some areas that do as well as...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Green revolution; Maize; Adoption; Soil fertility; Kenya; Crop Production/Industries; International Development.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Evaluation de la diffusion et de l’adoption des variétés de riz NERICA en Guinée AgEcon
Diagne, Aliou; Sogbossi, Marie-Josee; Diawara, Sekou; Diallo, Abdoulaye Sadio; Barry, Alpha Bacar.
L’objectif de la présente étude est d’évaluer la diffusion et l’adoption des variétés de riz NERICA en Guinée cinq années après leur introduction. Les données collectées en 2002 sont relatives à 1535 paysans choisis dans 79 villages des quatre régions naturelles de la Guinée. L’approche d’estimation du taux d’adoption utilisée dans ce papier se fonde sur les théories modernes d’évaluation au niveau micro-économique des impacts d’interventions politiques. Nos résultats montrent que 39% de la population guinéenne connaissaient au moins une variété NERICA en 2001 avec 23% pour le taux d’adoption observé au sein de la population de riziculteurs. Plusieurs facteurs socio-économiques déterminent les taux de diffusion et d’adoption. Par ailleurs bien que le...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Mots clés Riz; NERICA; Diffusion; Adoption; Average Treatment Effect; Guinée; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; International Relations/Trade; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Limited Access to Conservation: Limited- Resource Farmer Participation in the Conservation Security Program in the Southeast AgEcon
Bergtold, Jason S.; Molnar, Joseph J..
The paper examines the joint adoption of conservation tillage, crop rotations, and soil testing by small and limited-resource farmers in the Southeast. The objectives are to determine the potential eligibility of small farmers for the Conservation Security Program, examine socioeconomic factors affecting adoption, and assess the interdependence between adopting different conservation practices. Results indicate that conservation management, ethnicity, and farm characteristics affect practice adoption. Of the producers surveyed in the study, 7% meet Conservation Security Program eligibility requirements, while the other 93% have less than a 20% likelihood of adopting the needed practices to qualify.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Adoption; Conservation; Conservation Security Program; Conservation tillage; Limited-resource farmers; Logistic regression; Small farms; Soil testing; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Productivity Analysis; C35; Q12; Q58.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Neill, Sean P.; Lee, David R..
Although technology adoption has been the subject of a great deal of economic research, that focused on the economics of adoption of low-input "sustainable" systems has been much more limited and recent. This paper attempts to explain the recent decline in the use of cover crops using in maize farming in the Department of Atlantida, Honduras. In the early 1970's, farmers in the region began rotating maize with the velvetbean (mucuna ssp.), a system learned from Guatemalan immigrants. Tohe mucuna-maize system decreased the labor required for maize farming even as it increased yields, prevented erosion, and conferred a variety of other agronomic benefits. By 1992, estimates show that the system had diffused among more than 60% of farmers in the Department....
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International development; Sustainable agriculture; Adoption; Disadoption; Farmer management; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Ipe, Viju C.; DeVuyst, Eric A..
The paper demonstrates a group incentive program to encourage farmer adoption of best management practices. It is demonstrated that the best management practices may not actually reduce farm profits but may increase farm profits and reduce environmental pollution. This may bring about a win-win situation for sponsor, the farmer participating in the program, and the society as a whole. The results show that the farmers subjective beliefs about response of corn yields and profits to nitrogen application differ from the simulated responses which in turn results in the willingness-to-Accept for adoption best management practices significantly higher than the expected program payments. The program could be implemented as an educational effort to...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Group incentive; Adoption; Best management practices; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Place, Frank; Franzel, Steven Charles; Noordin, Qureish; Jama, Bashir.
This case study explores the development, dissemination, adoption, and impact of improved tree fallows in rural western Kenya. The processes of technology development and dissemination throughout the region are described and analyzed. To analyze adoption and impact, the paper applies a variety of different data collection methods as well as samples from both pilot areas where researchers maintained a significant presence and non-pilot areas where farmers learned of the technologies through other channels. Sample sizes for the quantitative analysis ranged from almost 2,000 households for measuring the adoption process to just over 100 households for measuring impact indicators. Qualitative methods included long-term case studies for 40 households and focus...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agroforestry; Soil fertility; Kenya; Adoption; Impact; Technology; Farm Management.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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