Mastrobuoni, Giovanni; Pinotti, Paolo. |
We estimate the causal effect of immigrants' legal status on criminal behavior exploiting exogenous variation in migration restrictions across nationalities driven by the last round of the European Union enlargement. Unique individual-level data on a collective clemency bill enacted in Italy five months before the enlargement allow us to compare the post-release criminal record of inmates from new EU member countries with a control group of pardoned inmates from candidate EU member countries. Difference-in-differences in the probability of re-arrest between the two groups before and after the enlargement show that obtaining legal status lowers the recidivism of economically motivated offenders, but only in areas that provide relatively better labor market... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Immigration; Crime; Legal Status; Labor and Human Capital; F22; K42; C41. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/115723 |
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Cervellati, Matteo; Vanin, Paolo. |
We propose a theory studying temptation in presence of both externally and internally sanctioned prohibitions. Moral values that (internally) sanction prohibited actions and their desire may increase utility by reducing self-control costs, thereby serving as partial commitment devices. We apply the model to crime and study the conditions under which agents would optimally adhere to moral values of honesty. Incentives to be moral are non- monotonic in the crime premium. Larger external punishments increase temptation and demand for morality, so that external and internal sanctions are complements. The model helps rationalizing stylized facts that proved difficult to explain with available theories. |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Prohibitions; Temptation; Self-Control; Moral Values; Crime; Labor and Human Capital; D03; K42; Z13. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/90905 |
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Cracolici, Maria Francesca; Uberti, Teodora Erika. |
For a long time social sciences scholars from different fields have devoted their attention to identifying the causes leading to commit criminal offences and recently lots of studies have included the analysis of spatial effects. Respect to the Italian crime phenomenon some stylized facts exist: high spatial and time variability and presence of “organised crime” (e.g. Mafia and Camorra) deep-seated in some local territorial areas. Using explanatory spatial data analysis, the paper firstly explores the spatial structure and distribution of four different typologies of crimes (murders, thefts, frauds, and squeezes) in Italian provinces in two years, 1999 and 2003. ESDA allows us to detect some important geographical dimensions and to distinguish crucial... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Crime; Spatial Econometrics; Labor and Human Capital; C21; K42. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/6381 |
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Galiani, Sebastian; Rossi, Martin A.; Schargrodsky, Ernesto. |
We estimate the causal effect of mandatory participation in the military service on the involvement in criminal activities. We exploit the random assignment of young men to military service in Argentina through a draft lottery to identify this causal effect. Using a unique set of administrative data that includes draft eligibility, participation in the military service, and criminal records, we find that participation in the military service increases the likelihood of developing a criminal record in adulthood. The effects are not only significant for the cohorts that performed military service during war times, but also for those that provided service at peace times. We also find that military service has detrimental effects on future performance in the... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Military Service; Violent behavior; Crime; Labor and Human Capital; K42. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/90907 |
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Akpalu, Wisdom. |
This paper employs a dynamic model for crimes that involve time and punishment to analyze the use of a net with illegal mesh size in a management regime where each community claims territorial use right over a fishery but has a discount rate that may differ from the social discount rate. The equilibrium stock and harvest levels are found to be much lower if the regulation is violated. Moreover, the optimal penalty for violation must be decreasing in the shadow cost of taking the risk to fish illegally, and increasing the risk of punishment increases the equilibrium stock level. |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Crime; Dynamic model; Fishery; Regulation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/61059 |
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Gomes,Leonardo; Gomes,Guilherme; Oliveira,Helena Gutierrez; Sanches,Marcos Rogério; Von Zuben,Claudio José. |
Blowflies use discrete, ephemeral breeding sites for larval nutrition. After exhaustion of the food supply, the larvae disperse in search of sites to pupate or to seek other sources of food in a process known as post-feeding larval dispersal. In this study, some of the most important aspects of this process were investigated in larvae of the blowflies Chrysomya megacephala exposed to a variety of light: dark (LD) cycles (0:0 h, 12:12 h and 24:0 h) and incubated in tubes covered with vermiculite. For each pupa, the body weight and depth of burrowing were determined. Statistical tests were used to examine the relationship of depth of burrowing and body weight to photoperiod at which burrowing occurred. The study of burial behavior in post-feeding larval... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Blowflies; Crime; Legal medicine. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0085-56262006000100011 |
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Babboni, Selene Daniela; de Souza, Teresa Cristina; Lúcio, Ednilson Ricardo; de Carvalho, Vanderlei Alves; Barbosa, Rodrigo. |
Em muitos países já existem leis protetivas aos animais, no sentido de evitar maltratá-los. A Declaração Universal dos Direitos dos Animais, da UNESCO, celebrada na Bélgica em 1978, e subscrito pelo Brasil, elenca entre os direitos dos animais o de "não ser submetido a sofrimentos físicos ou comportamentos antinaturais". Em nossa legislação atual maltratar animais, quer sejam eles, domésticos ou selvagens, caracterizam-se crime ecológico, conforme art.32 da Lei 9.605/98 com detenção de três meses a um ano, e multa, para quem praticar ato de abuso, maus-tratos, ferir ou mutilar. O trabalho teve como objetivo relatar um caso atendido pela equipe do Canil Municipal em parceria com a Guarda Civil Municipal (G.C.M) do município de Botucatu/SP em julho de 2012.... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Denúncia; Averiguação; Maus tratos; Equino; Crime. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://www.revistamvez-crmvsp.com.br/index.php/recmvz/article/view/28226 |
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