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Con el fin de obtener una aproximación a la estructura del ensamblaje de peces cartilaginosos extraídos por la flota de arrastre camaronero en la costa norte de Colombia, se evaluó la composición y abundancia de tiburones y rayas descartados en dos sectores del Caribe colombiano, entre agosto y noviembre de 2004. Mensualmente se analizaron lances de la flota de arrastre camaronero al interior de cada sector (norte: La Virgen y Portete; sur: Barú, cabo Tiburón, Cascajal, Cispatá, Morrosquillo, Ceycén, Mestizo, río Cedro, Tigua y Tortuguilla). Observadores a bordo de la flota comercial de arrastre camaronero muestrearon 1/5 de la captura previamente homogenizada, tomada al azar de una de las cuatro redes de la embarcación. En 30 lances se registró la...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Tiburones; Arrastre camaronero; Rayas; Colombia.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Diet of the chola guitarfish, Rhinobatos percellens (Rhinobatidae), in the Paranaguá Estuarine complex Anais da ABC (AABC)
Carmo,Wanessa P.D. do; Bornatowski,Hugo; Oliveira,Elton C.; Fávaro,Luís L..
The chola guitarfish, Rhinobatos percellens, is one of the most-captured batoids on the Brazilian coast, and an important predator of benthic community. Stomachs from R. percellens were sampled in the Paranaguá estuarine complex (March/2006 to March/2007 and October/2008 to September/2009). The stomachs obtained were used for describing the diet of R. percellens, and verifying if there are seasonal and ontogenetic differences in their feeding into the estuarine area. The general analysis showed a specialized diet with a predominance of three species in food contents: Leptochela serratorbita, Caridea remains and Ogyrides alphaerostris. Ontogenetic and seasonal analysis did not reveal significant differences in the food consumption. These data reveal that R....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Rhinobatidae; Diet; Especialist; Caridea; Estuary.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Hábitos alimentares de tubarões-martelo jovens, Sphyrna zygaena (Carcharhiniformes: Sphyrnidae), no litoral sul do Brasil Biota Neotropica
Bornatowski,Hugo; Costa,Luciano; Robert,Maurício de Castro; Pina,Juliana Ventura da.
O presente estudo foi conduzido em duas comunidades da pesca artesanal nas cidades Guaratuba (Paraná) e Itapoá (Santa Catarina), no sul da costa brasileira. Os conteúdos estomacais de indivíduos Sphyrna zygaena foram identificados, sendo os itens alimentares agrupados em três categorias. As categorias mais importantes foram teleósteos (78,6%) e cefalópodes (60,7%), representados pela sardinha Harengula clupeola e a lula Loligo sp., ambos considerados como principais itens alimentares de S. zygaena na região estudada.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Alimentação; Pesca artesanal; Costa paranaense.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Ehemann,Nicolás; Marín-Sanz,Javier; Barany-González,Michelle.
This study reports the first dicephalic shark's embryo of smalleye smooth-hound Mustelus higmani and the eighth case in blue shark Prionace glauca. Each embryo was removed from the womb of a pregnant female, caught in coastal waters of the Caribbean Sea, near to Nueva Esparta state. The dicephalic embryos are exhibited in the Marine Museum of Margarita.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Caribbean Sea; Venezuela; Abnormality; Bicephaly.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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A dorsal fold in Gymnura micrura (Bloch and Scheneider, 1801) (Chondrichthyes: Gymnuridae) BABT
Nunes,Jorge Luiz Silva; Piorski,Nivaldo Magalhães.
This paper reports a dorsal fold which is a membranous structure located on the tail of two juvenile butterfly rays, Gymnura micrura (Bloch & Scheneider, 1801), caught through artisanal fishery in the shallow waters of Maranhão State (Brazil).
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Rays; Teratogeny; South America; Brazil.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Spatio-temporal patterns in demersal elasmobranchs from trawl surveys in the eastern English Channel (1988-2008) ArchiMer
Martin, Corinne; Vaz, Sandrine; Ellis, J. R.; Coppin, Franck; Le Roy, Didier; Carpentier, Andre.
Elasmobranchs have life-history characteristics that make them more vulnerable to fishing than many teleost fish. As commercial landings data are usually not sufficient for the monitoring and assessment of elasmobranchs, fisheries-independent data, geostatistics and Geographic Information Systems were used to investigate the spatio-temporal patterns of sharks (6 species), skates (9 species) and stingray in the eastern English Channel. Temporal trends in relative abundance and distributions of total-length frequencies were investigated using data collected over 21 yr from an annual survey using a Grande Ouverture Verticale (GOV) trawl. Temporal trends in relative abundance were examined qualitatively in relation to the reported conservation status for the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Chondrichthyes; Kriging; GIS; Conservation; Sex ratio; Catchability; Channel Ground Fish Survey; CGFS.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Modelled distributions of ten demersal elasmobranchs of the eastern English Channel in relation to the environment ArchiMer
Martin, Corinne; Vaz, Sandrine; Ellis, J. R.; Lauria, Valentina; Coppin, Franck; Carpentier, Andre.
Generalised Linear Models, combined with a Geographic Information System, were used to map the habitats of ten demersal elasmobranch taxa (five skates, four sharks and a stingray) in the eastern English Channel, based on an annual fishery-independent bottom trawl survey conducted each October, and covering 21 years. Habitat models showing mean density levels were developed for the most frequently occurring species, whilst binomial occurrence habitat models were built for less frequent species. The main predictors of elasmobranch habitats in the eastern English Channel were depth, bed shear stress and salinity, followed by seabed sediment type and temperature. Habitat maps highlighted contrasting habitat utilisation across species. Raja clavata, and to a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Channel Ground Fish Survey; Chondrichthyes; Elasmobranchii; GLM; Grande Ouverture Verticale; Trawl survey.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Compared Morphology of the Cephalic Musculature in Five Species of Genus Urotrygon (Chondrichthyes: Urolophidae) International Journal of Morphology
González Isáis,Mónica; Montes Domínguez,Héctor Marcos.
This work aims to describe the morphology of dorsal and ventral cephalic musculature in five species of genus Urotrygon. Muscular differences were observed, mainly in the development level. Muscles showing certain degree of variation in the dorsal region were the cucullaris and the ethmoideo-parethmoidalis. In ventral view, higher variation was observed. Muscles showing differences were the depressor rostri, the depressor hyomandibularis, the preorbitalis medial, the coracohioideus, and the depressor mandibularis. Urotrygon aspidurus was the species with the largest differences, as it has no mandibular depressor, and the rostral depressor is quite developed. The shape and arrangement of cephalic musculature in Urotrygon is similar to that reported for...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Batoidei; Urotrygon; Cephalic musculature.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Estudio Morfológico del Cerebro y Pares Craneales de Diplobatis ommata (Elasmobranchii: Narcinidae) International Journal of Morphology
Montes Domínguez,Héctor Marcos; López Bárcenas,Raquel; González Isáis,Mónica.
El grupo de los Torpediniformes representa una de las líneas ancestrales de los batoideos cuya ruta evolutiva ha seguido una línea separada del resto de este grupo. No se han realizado estudios sobre la morfología del encéfalo de Diplobatis ommata, es por ello que el objetivo de este estudio fue describir la anatomía del encéfalo y pares craneales de esta especie. Los organismos fueron colectados en Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, México. El encéfalo se obtuvo por medio de la técnica de disección convencional. El encéfalo de Diplobatis ommata es similar al de los tiburones basales, sin embargo, presenta una vesícula eléctrica, característica de Torpediniformes. Las estructuras más grandes del encéfalo son los bulbos olfatorios y la médula oblongada. El telencéfalo...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Torpediniformes; Diplobatis; Cerebro; Pares craneales.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Anatomía Comparada del Neurocráneo y el Encéfalo de la Raya Mariposa Gymnura micrura (Batoidea: Gymnuridae) International Journal of Morphology
Mediante la comparación del neurocráneo de la "raya mariposa" Gymnura micrura con especies representantes de cinco familias de Batoidea, se reconoce que corresponde al patrón anatómico del orden Myliobatiformes, por la ausencia del rostro, la presencia de una sola fontanela y el mayor desarrollo de los procesos postorbitarios. La especie en estudio difiere de los Urotrygonidae y Dasyatidae por tener los procesos postorbitarios subdivididos. La organización del encéfalo de G. micrura corresponde al patrón anatómico de los Batoidea, sin embargo, a diferencia de los Rhinobatidae, Urotrygonidae y Dasyatidae, el cerebelo es simétrico; en contraste con los Myliobatidae los hemisferios cerebrales son reducidos; y la principal diferencia con relación a los...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Cráneo; Cerebro; Nervios craneales; Órganos sensoriales.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Reproductive biology of Sympterygia bonapartii (Chondrichthyes: Rajiformes: Arhynchobatidae) in San Matías Gulf, Patagonia, Argentina Neotropical Ichthyology
Estalles,María L.; Perier,María R.; Giácomo,Edgardo E. Di.
ABSTRACT This study estimates and analyses the reproductive parameters and cycle of Sympterygia bonapartii in San Matías Gulf, northern Patagonia, Argentina. A total of 827 males and 1,299 females were analysed. Males ranged from 185 to 687 mm of total length (TL) and females from 180 to 742 mm TL. Sexual dimorphism was detected; females were larger, heavier, exhibited heavier livers, wider discs and matured at lager sizes than males. Immature females ranged from 180 to 625 mm TL, maturing females from 408 to 720 mm TL, mature ones from 514 to 742 mm TL and females with egg capsules from 580 to 730 mm TL. Immature males ranged from 185 to 545 mm TL, maturing ones from 410 to 620 mm TL and mature males from 505 to 687 mm TL. Size at which 50% of the skates...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Reproduction; Skate; South Western Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Aspects of the reproductive biology of the velvet belly, <Etmopterus spinax> (Elasmobranchii : Squalidae) OceanDocs
Capape, Ch.; Bradai, M. N.; Seck, A. A.; Diata, Y.; Tomasini, J. A.; Quignard, J. P..
Des aspects de la biologie de la reproduction du sagre noir, Etmopterus spinax, sont présentés dans cette note. Les spécimens observés sont récoltés au large des côtes tunisiennes et de la côte du Languedoc (France méridionale), sur des fonds sableux et/ou sablo-vaseux allant de 100 à 400 m de profondeur. Les mâles sont adultes au-delà de 380 mm de longueur totale (LT). La phase de maturation des femelles entrent dans une phase de maturation. La plus petite femelle avec des oocytes majeurs prêts à être pondus mesurait 380 mm LT le la plus petite femelle gravide, 400 mm LT. Toutes les femelles adultes ont plus de 400 mm LT. La taille maximale est de 400 mm LT pour chaque sexe. La gestation pourrait durer une année au minimum, mais il serait hypothétique...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Squalidae Reproduction Reproductive cycle Sexual maturity Shark fisheries Reproduction Sexual maturity
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Contributions to the study of the comparative morphology of teeth and other relevant ichthyodorulites in living supra-specific taxa of Chondrichthyan fishes. Part B. Batomorphii: 2. Order Raijformes - Suborder: Pristoidei - Family: Pristidae - Genera: <i>Anoxypristis</i> and <i>Pristis</i>. 3: Suborder Rajoidei - Superfamily Rhinobatoidea - Families: Rhinidae - Genera: <i>Rhina</i> and <i>Rhynchobatus</i> and Rhinobatidae - Genera: <i>Aptychotrema, Platyrhina, Platyrhinoidis, Rhinobatos, Trygonorrhina, Zanobatus</i> and <i>Zapteryx</i> OMA
Herman, J.; Hovestadt-Euler, M.; Hovestadt, D.C.; Stehmann, M..
The tooth and rostral spine morphology of representatives of the pristid genera <i>Anoxypristis</i> and <i>Pristis</i>, of the rhinid genera <i>Rhina</i> and <i>Rhynchobatus</i> and of the rhinobatid genera: <i>Apytchotrema, Platyrhina, Platyrhinoidis, Rhinobatos, Trygonorrhina, Zanobatus</i> and <i>Zapteryx</i> is described and illustrated by SEM photographs. A differential diagnosis is given to distinguish the genera by tooth morphology.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Systematics; Batomorphii; Elasmobranchii.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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The use of pelvic fins for benthic locomotion during foraging behavior in Potamotrygon motoro (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) Rev. Bras. Zool.
Shibuya,Akemi; Carvalho,Marcelo R. de; Zuanon,Jansen; Tanaka,Sho.
Synchronized bipedal movements of the pelvic fins provide propulsion (punting) during displacement on the substrate in batoids with benthic locomotion. In skates (Rajidae) this mechanism is mainly generated by the crural cartilages. Although lacking these anatomical structures, some stingray species show modifications of their pelvic fins to aid in benthic locomotion. This study describes the use of the pelvic fins for locomotory performance and body re-orientation in the freshwater stingray Potamotrygon motoro (Müller & Henle, 1841) during foraging. Pelvic fin movements of juvenile individuals of P. motoro were recorded in ventral view by a high-speed camera at 250-500 fields/s-1. Potamotrygon motoro presented synchronous, alternating and unilateral...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Behavior; Elasmobranchii; Locomotor adaptation; Potamotrygonid stingrays; Swimming.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Decápodos (Crustacea) utilizados na alimentação de Dasyatis guttata (Bloch &amp; Schneider) (Elasmobranchii, Dasyatididae) na área de influência da estação ecológica Ilha do Medo, Baía de Rodos os Santos, Bahia, Brasil Zoologia
Carqueija,César Roberto Goes; Souza Filho,José Jerônimo de; Gouvêa,Edilson Pires de; Queiroz,Everaldo Lima de.
The occurence of Decapoda crustaceans in the diet of Dasyatis guttata (Bloch &amp; Schneider, 1801) (Elasmobranchii. Dasyatididae) is reported. Inferences are also made about some aspects of the predator - prey relationship in the area around the Ecological Station.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Elasmobranchii; Decapoda; Diet.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Relação preliminar das espécies de peixes (Pisces, Elasmobranchii, Actinopterygii) ameaçadas no Brasil Zoologia
Rosa,Ricardo S; Menezes,Naércio A.
The Brazilian fish fauna is still poorly known with respect to its diversity and conservation status, particularly of freshwater species. Human activities and population growth are rapidly impacting this fauna to an unchecked extent, so that many fish species are presently threatened. Also, some areas have been so critically altered that their fish fauna can no longer be properly inventoried. There is an urgent need to evaluate the conservation status of Brazilian fish species, since none are presently listed as endangered by federal legislation. Based on a literature search and a survey directed to the Neotropical ichthyologists, we present an unofficial list including a total of 78 threatened fish species (12 elasmobranchs and 66 actinopterygians). Of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pisces; Elasmobranchii; Actinopterygii; Endangered species; Conservation; Brazil.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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