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The FETCH experiment: An overview - art. no. 8053 5
Hauser, Danièle; Branger, H; Bouffies Cloche, S; Despiau, S; Drennan, W; Dupuis, H; Durand, P; De Madron, X; Estournel, C; Eymard, L; Flamant, C; Graber, H; Guerin, C; Kahma, K; Lachaud, G; Lefevre, J; Pelon, J; Petterson, H; Piguet, B; Queffeulou, Pierre; Tailliez, D; Tournadre, Jean; Weill, A.
The "flux, etat de la mer, et tele'de'tection en conditions de fetch variable'' (FETCH) was aimed at studying the physical processes associated with air-sea exchanges and mesoscale oceanic circulation in a coastal region dominated by frequent strong offshore winds. The experiment took place in March-April 1998 in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lion). Observations were collected with the R/V L'Atalante, with an air-sea interaction spar (ASIS) buoy, with waverider buoys, and with research aircraft equipped for in situ and remote sensing measurements. The present paper is an introduction to the following special section, which groups 12 papers (including this one) presenting results on turbulent flux measurements at the ocean surface, on the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Lion; Coastal oceanography; Marine atmospheric boundary layer; Remote sensing; Surface ocean waves; Air/sea interactions.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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