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Systematics and evolution in Polycystididae (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhyncia) OMA
Schockaert, E.R..
Possible evolutionary trends within Polycystididae have been indicated by Karling (1956) while studying the male genital organs of seyeral turbellarian groups. For the moment his ideas seem the most valuable basis for establishing an intrafamiliar system of Polycystididae, and have hence been applied formally (Schockaert, 1974). However, it can be demonstrated with several examples that the underlying principles prove to be unsatisfactory when one tries to apply Hennig's methodology:-the subfamily Duplacrorhynchinae Schockaert & Karling, 1970, can be recognized as containing the most plesimorph polycystidids; a synapomorph character that would give us an indication of the monophyly of this taxon is lacking;-the homology of some glandular elements (al!...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Evolution; Taxonomy; Polycystididae; Turbellaria [Flatworms].
Ano: 1977 URL:
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On the male copulatory organ of some Polycystididae and its importance for the systematics of the family OMA
Schockaert, E.R..
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Polycystididae.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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Two new species of the genus <i>Duplacrorhynchus</i> Schockaert & Karling, 1970, with remarks on relationships within the genus and on the Duplacrorhynchinae (Platyhelminthes, Polycystididae) OMA
Artois, T.; Schockaert, E..
Two new species of Polycystididae are described: <i>Duplacrorhynchus megalophallus</i> sp. nov. from the bay of Marseille (France) and <i>D. heyleni</i> sp. nov. from Zanzibar (Tanzania). The female system of both is characterized by the presence of a muscular bulb at the proximal end of the bursal stalk, with three strong teeth in <i>D. megalophallus</i>, and in <i>D. heyleni</i> the muscle bulb is highly asymmetric. In <i>D. megalophallus</i> the copulatory bulb is divided by a septum, and the cirrus has small spines and a proximal umbrella-like expansion. In <i>D. heyleni</i> only the cirrus, which has strong teeth, is enclosed in the cirrus sack: the seminal and prostate vesicles...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Duplacrorhynchus; Plathelminthes; Polycystididae.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Anatomy and systematics of some Polycystididae (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia) from the Pacific and S. Atlantic OMA
Karling, T.G.; Schockaert, E.R..
<i>Paraustrorhynchus</i> gen. n., <i> P. pacificus</i> (California), <i>Antiboreorhynchus novzelae</i> sp. n. (New Zealand) and <i>Gyratrix proaviformis</i> sp. n. (Oregon) are described as new taxa. Additional notes are given on <i>Gyratrix hermaphroditus</i> Ehrbg. (new localities on the N. American Pacific coast), <i>Scanorhynchus forcipatus</i> Karling (new locality in California), <i>Paraustrorhynchus elixus</i> (Marcus) comb. n. and <i>Alcha evelinae</i> Marcus (new localities in California). The taxonomy of the genera and species is discussed. Viewpoints are presented on evolutionary trends and homologous atrial organs in the family Polycystididae.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Polycystididae.
Ano: 1977 URL:
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A cladistic re-assessment of the <i>Polycystis</i> species complex (Polycystididae, Eukalyptorhynchia) OMA
Artois, T.J.; Schockaert, E.R..
The taxonomy of the genus <i>Polycystis</i> Koelliker, 1845 <i>sensu</i> Schockaert & Karling, 1975 is discussed. Character analysis reveals the monophyletic state of the three species groups these authors defined within it. As no synapomorphies for the three groups can be found, the genus is split in three genera: <i>Polycystis</i> Koelliker, 1845, <i>Macrorhynchus</i> Graff, 1882 and <i>Paulodora Marcus</i>, 1948. The systematic position of <i>Macrorhynchus yaganus</i> (Marcus, 1954) Evdonin, 1977 is also discussed, resulting in the erection of the new genus <i>Marcusia</i> gen. n.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phylogenetics; Taxonomy; Eukalyptorhynchia; Plathelminthes; Polycystididae; Polycystis.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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