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SINTESIS DE ESTEVIOSIDOS EN ESTEVIA (Stevia rebaudiana Bert.) Acta biol.Colomb.
Jarma Orozco,Alfredo; Espitia Camacho,Miguel; Fischer,Gerhard.
Stevia rebaudiana Bert. es una planta selvática subtropical nativa de Paraguay, que posee un potente edulcorante de hasta 300 veces más dulce que la sacarosa y no tiene calorías. Las moléculas responsables de esta característica son glucósidos de diterpeno, presentes en hojas y sintetizados, al menos en los estados iniciales, usando la misma ruta de síntesis del ácido giberélico, en la que el ácido shiquímico, da origen a muchos compuestos aromáticos. El acetato es el precursor de los terpenos o isoprenoides por la ruta del acetato-mevalonato, donde se encuentran los esteviósidos, aunque en este artículo se discute una ruta alternativa. La presente actualización pretende aportar algunas herramientas para el entendimiento de las principales rutas de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Stevia rebaudiana; Edulcorante; Metabolismo secundario; Terpenoides.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Development of diet cereal bar sweetened with stevia leaves pre-treated with ethanol Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
SILVA,Sandra Beserra da; FORMIGONI,Maysa Ariane; ZORZENON,Maria Rosa; MILANI,Paula Gimenez; DACOME,Antonio Sérgio; SEIXAS,Flávio Augusto Vicente; COSTA,Silvio Claúdio da.
Abstract The objective of this work was to perform the ethanolic pretreatment of stevia leaves from the plant Stevia UEM-13 line and to characterize its physical-chemical properties aiming its use as a sweetener in the development of a diet cereal bar. The same formulation of the cereal bar with stevia leaves without pretreatment was elaborated for comparative purposes. The following ingredients were used in the preparation of the produtc: fine oat flakes, no sugar granola, cranberry, dehydrated apricots, water, gum acacia and stevia leaf pretreated (F1) and without treatment (F2). According to the results, the diet cereal bars presented significant amounts ​​of crude fiber, protein and antioxidant activity. The product was microbiologically safe for human...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Stevia rebaudiana; Cereal bar; Natural sweetener; Diet food.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Sensory and physicochemical evaluation of acerola nectar sweetened with sucrose and different sweeteners Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
Dutra,Mariana Borges de Lima; Bolini,Helena Maria André.
This paper aims to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics, sensory acceptance, and purchase intent of acerola nectar sweetened with sucrose and other sweeteners (neotame, sucralose and stevia extracts with 40%, 60%, 80%, and 95% rebaudioside A). The analyses were carried out for pH, soluble solids, total titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, and colorimetry (L*a*b). The acceptance test was performed by 120 consumers who evaluated the appearance, aroma, flavor, texture, and overall impression of the samples using a 9-cm unstructured hedonic scale. Furthermore, the consumers were asked to rate overall purchase intent along the scale anchored with (1) "would definitely not purchase" to (5) "would definitely purchase." The results were evaluated using...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Stevia rebaudiana; Sucralose; Neotame; Malpighia emarginata DC.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Replacing sugar with S. rebaudiana extracts on the physicochemical and sensory properties of strawberry ice cream Ciência Rural
Aranda-Gonzalez,Irma; Perera-Pacheco,Maribel; Barbosa-Martín,Enrique; Betancur-Ancona,David.
ABSTRACT: Ice cream is a product whose formulation requires considerable amounts of sugar. In addition to providing flavor, sugar contributes to the physicochemical characteristics of ice cream but its consumption in large quantities is related to chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. For this reason, the food industry seeks to formulate products with sweeteners that preserve the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the original product. Stevia rebaudiana is a plant that naturally contains glycosides with no calories and high sweetening capacity and it is considered safe for consumption. Therefore the aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of replacing sugar with different levels of extracts of S. rebaudiana Morita II and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Stevia rebaudiana; Ice cream; Sweetener; Proximate analysis; Sensory evaluation.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Chromosomal and morphological studies of diploid and polyploid cytotypes of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni (Eupatorieae, Asteraceae) Genet. Mol. Biol.
Oliveira,Vanessa M. de; Forni-Martins,Eliana R.; Magalhães,Pedro M.; Alves,Marcos N..
In this study, we examined the chromosome number and some morphological features of strains of Stevia rebaudiana. The chromosomes were analyzed during mitosis and diakinesis, and the tetrad normality and pollen viability were also assessed. In addition, stomata and pollen were measured and some plant features were studied morphometrically. All of the strains had 2n = 22, except for two, which had 2n = 33 and 2n = 44. Pairing at diakinesis was n = 11II for all of the diploid strains, whereas the triploid and tetraploid strains had n = 11III and n = 11IV, respectively. Triploid and tetraploid plants had a lower tetrad normality rate than the diploids. All of the strains had inviable pollen. Thus, the higher the ploidy number, the greater the size of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Asteraceae; Pollen; Polyploidy; Stevia rebaudiana; Stevioside; Stomata.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Deficiência de macronutrientes em estévia: sintomas visuais e efeitos no crescimento, composição química e produção de esteviosídeo PAB
Utumi,Marley Marico; Monnerat,Pedro Henrique; Pereira,Paulo Roberto Gomes; Fontes,Paulo Cézar Rezende; Godinho,Vicente de Paulo Campos.
Conduziu-se experimento objetivando descrever sintomas visuais de deficiências de macronutrientes em estévia (Stevia rebaudiana) e avaliar seus efeitos no crescimento, composição química e produção de esteviosídeo. Os sintomas foram: clorose generalizada, com -N; folhas verde-escuras, com -P; folhas com clorose, bronzeamento e necrose, com -K; necrose de ápices, com -Ca; clorose e necrose foliar, em "V" invertido, com -Mg e folhas verde-pálidas e menores, com -S. As deficiências de N, K e Mg reduziram o crescimento das folhas e a parte comercializável da planta, enquanto que a deficiência de Mg promoveu acentuada redução no desenvolvimento do sistema radicular. As deficiências de N, P, K e S diminuíram a relação entre matéria seca da parte aérea e das...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Stevia rebaudiana; Nutrição mineral; Nitrogênio; Fósforo; Potássio; Cálcio; Magnésio; Enxofre.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Development and some histochemical aspects of foliar glandular trichomes of Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bert. - Asteraceae Rev. Bras. Bot.
The ten-celled biseriate glandular trichome of Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bert.-Asteraceae, found on both leaf surfaces, originates from a single protruding, protodermal cell undergoing an anticlinal division. A subsequent series of periclinal divisions, occurring in acropetal sequence, leads to the formation of the trichome, composed of five pairs of cells, one pair of basal cells, another of stalk cells and three pairs of secretory head cells. Developing, still two-celled glandular trichomes already occur on leaf primordia of the second pair (these primordia measuring, in some cases, ca. 0.30 mm in length), and most of the glandular trichomes are at the mature phase on very young, expanding leaves, for example on those of the sixth pair. The secretory...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Stevia rebaudiana; Asteraceae; Glandular trichomes; Ontogeny; Histochemistry.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Comportamiento del cultivo de Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni en Cuba Plantas Medicinales
Rodríguez González,Horacio; Acosta de la Luz,Lérida L; Hechevarría Sosa,Isabel; Rivera Amita,María Magdalena; Rodríguez Ferradá,Carlos Alberto; Sánchez Govín,Ester; Milanés Figueredo,Masgloiris.
Se presenta la recopilación de los resultados obtenidos en las investigaciones que sobre el cultivo de Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni, se realizaron en la Estación Experimental de Plantas Medicinales de San Antonio de los Baños, provincia La Habana, Cuba. Bajo estas condiciones se pudo conocer mediante dos fechas de siembra: diciembre 2000 y enero 2001, que las semillas germinan a los 5 días de la siembra, aunque con bajo porcentaje y que se pueden trasplantar dos meses después. Se evaluaron tres cosechas en cada una de las fechas de siembra y se demostró que la de diciembre resultó la mejor pues casi se duplicaron los rendimientos. Como patógenos que la afectaron se observó el hongo Alternaria sp. y los insectos Agromyza sp., además de pequeñas...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Stevia rebaudiana; Cultivo; Comportamiento.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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