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Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration improves water use efficiency and growth of a widespread Cerrado tree species even under soil water deficit Acta Botanica
Souza,João Paulo; Melo,Nayara Magry Jesus; Halfeld,Alessandro Dias; Vieira,Kamilla I. C.; Rosa,Bruno Luan.
ABSTRACT Changes in atmospheric CO2 levels are accompanied by ecological interactions involving other environmental factors, such as drought, which can severely alter the water balance of plants, thereby influencing sap flow, gas exchange, and plant growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the water use economy, leaf gas exchange, and growth of young plants of the species Lafoensia pacari subjected to high concentrations of atmospheric CO2 ([CO2]) and soil water deficit. Increased vapor pressure deficit was observed from 1200 to 1800 hours. Plants under elevated [CO2] exhibited increased leaf photosynthesis, resulting in improved growth. Specific leaf area was lower in plants under high [CO2], mainly after soil water deficit treatment. Daily...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biomass allocation; Leaf gas exchange; Sap flow; Specific leaf area; Water economy.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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On the Theory and Practice of Water Regulation AgEcon
Tsur, Yacov.
We study water regulation for a schematic water economy representing a wide range of real world situations. A water policy has inter- and intra-temporal components. The first determines the limits on extractions from the naturally replenished sources, given the stochastic nature of recharge processes associated with uncertain precipitation. The intra-temporal regulation is concerned mainly with the allocating of the extracted and produced water among the end-users. The prices that implement the optimal intra-temporal allocation are derived. Regulation issues associated with cost recovery and asymmetric information are discussed.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Scarcity; Pricing; Optimal allocation; Water economy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C61; D82; Q11; Q25.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Los derechos de propiedad en la agricultura de regadio: su situacion frente al cambio institucional AgEcon
Miranda, Dionisio Ortiz; Delgado, Felisa Cena.
RESUMEN: La economía del agua en España se encuentra en una fase de cambio institucional, cuyo desarrollo va a estar fuertemente condicionado por la estructura de los derechos de propiedad sobre el agua. Esta estructura, en un contexto como el de la agricultura de regadío, está caracterizada por un complejo entramado de instituciones informales y percepciones de los propios regantes. El objetivo del artículo es caracterizar dichos derechos de propiedad -mediante una desagregación previa de su contenido- en el ámbito de las Comunidades de Regantes del Guadalquivir, con la finalidad de analizar cómo pueden desarrollarse las nuevas instituciones en dicho contexto. Los resultados, basados tanto en el análisis de las instituciones formales como en las opiniones...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Water economy; Property rights; Institutional change; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Q25; Q28.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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On the Theory and Practice of Water Regulation AgEcon
Tsur, Yacov.
We study water regulation for a schematic water economy representing a wide range of real world situations. A water policy has inter- and intra-temporal components. The first determines the limits on extractions from the naturally replenished sources, given the stochastic nature of recharge processes associated with uncertain precipitation. The intra-temporal regulation is concerned mainly with the allocating of the extracted and produced water among the end-users. The prices that implement the optimal intra-temporal allocation are derived. Regulation issues associated with cost recovery and asymmetric information are discussed.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Scarcity; Pricing; Optimal allocation; Water economy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C61; D82; Q11; Q25.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Water economy in rodents: evaporative water loss and metabolic water production RChHN
Cortés,Arturo; Rosenmann,Mario; Bozinovic,Francisco.
Studies on water balance in desert-dwelling granivorous rodents use evaporative water loss (EWL) and metabolic water production (MWP) to evaluate the efficiency of water regulation, expressed by the model Ta @ MWP = EWL, defined by an ambient temperature (Ta) value at (@) which MWP/EWL = 1. Here we evaluate and apply this model (1 - r²) determining water regulation efficiency, based on the energetic cost (MR) to maintain water balance (WB), that is MR-WB. To test the model, EWL was measured and MWP estimated in nine species of rodents from different localities of northern and north-central Chile (II and IV Regions): Octodon degus (Od) and O. lunatus (Olu) (Octodontidae), Abrothrix olivaceus (Ao), A. longipilis (Al), A. andinus (Ad), Phyllotis darwini (Pd),...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Rodents; Water economy; Arid habitats; Chile.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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