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Provedor de dados:  Zoologia
País:  Brazil
Título:  Comportamento e preferência alimentar em Podocnemis expansa (Schweigger), P. unifilis (Troschel) e P. sextuberculata (Cornalia) em cativeiro (Testudines, Pelomedusidae)
Autores:  Malvasio,Adriana
Souza,Ana Maria de
Molina,Flavio de Barros
Sampaio,Francisco de Arruda
Data:  2003-03-01
Ano:  2003
Palavras-chave:  Captivity
Food behavior
Food preference
Resumo:  The feeding behavior and the food preference was studied in P. expansa (Schweigger, 1812) P. unifilis (Troschel, 1848) and P. sextuberculata (Cornalia, 1849). The method used for feeding behavior and food preference was the sampling of all occurrences. The Students' t test was applied on the food items, to compare differences during the development of each species. The main conclusions are: feeding behavior for food, except alive animals, is divided in foraging, approach, olfactory recognition, capture, laceration and ingestion; the persecution behavior was observed for prey activity; cleptoparasitism occurs in the three species and neustophagia mechanism was detected in P. unifilis; P. sextuberculata shows to be almost only carnivorous and P. expansa and P. unifilis show to be omnivorous; P. expansa can be considered more herbivorous in captivity than P. unifilis during the age between one and five years old and more than five years old; P. expansa is more sensitive than P. unifilis concerning the alteration of the food place, mainly the meat, decreasing its consumption, if it is put on a dry place.
Tipo:  Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Idioma:  Português
Editor:  Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia
Relação:  10.1590/S0101-81752003000100021
Formato:  text/html
Fonte:  Revista Brasileira de Zoologia v.20 n.1 2003
Direitos:  info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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