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Methane emission to the hydro- and atmosphere by gas bubble streams in the Dnieper paleo-delta, the Black Sea
Эмиссия метана в гидро- и атмосферу струйными газовыделениями в районе палео-дельты р. Днепр в Черном море
Емiсiя метану в гiдро- i атмосферу струминними виходами газу у районi палео-дельти р. Днiпр у Чорному морi
Autores: |
Artemov, Yu. G.
Egorov, V. N.
Polikarpov, G. G.
Gulin, S. B.
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Palavras-chave: |
Gas bubble streams
Methane flux
Dnieper paleo-delta
Black Sea Methane Gas seepages Hydrosphere Methane
Resumo: |
To estimate methane flux from natural gas bubble streams (seepages) a combined approach was applied, inclusive of detailed echo survey of investigated area and data analysis with the use of specialized software, GIS technique and mathematic simulation. A precise location map of methane seepages in the Dnieper paleo-delta region was obtained. In total 2200 seepages were identified at the investigated area of 378.1, which release 16.74 106 m³ at atmospheric pressure (STP), or 12.0 10-3 teragram (Tg) methane a year. Statistical distribution of individual seepage methane flux rates conforms to the lognormal law. We found that 1.9 % of methane from gas bubble streams reaches the atmosphere in gas phase, while 98.1 % dissolves in the water column. Thus, the most part of methane remains in sea water and enters into physical, chemical and biological transformation processes of carbon-containing compounds.
Tipo: |
Journal Contribution
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Identificador: |
Morskyji ehkologichnyji zhurnal/Marine ecological journal/Morskoj ehkologicheskij zhurnal, 6(3). p. 5-26
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