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Provedor de dados:  16
País:  Netherlands
Título:  Review of the genus Craspedolcus Enderlein sensu lato in China, with the description of a new genus and four new species (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Braconinae)
Autores:  Li, Y.
Achterberg, C. van
Chen, X.-x.
Data:  2017
Ano:  2017
Palavras-chave:  Hymenoptera
New genus
New species
Resumo:  A new genus is split off the genus Craspedolcus Enderlein, 1920 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Braconinae): Maculibracon gen. n. with type species Maculibracon abruptus sp. n. The genus Craspedolcus Enderlein sensu stricto is redefined, a key to both genera and to their species in China, Thailand and Vietnam is included. Craspedolcus obscuriventris Enderlein, 1920, (syn. n.) is a new synonym of C. vagatus (Smith, 1858), as Ipobracon maculicosta Enderlein, 1920 and Iphiaulax bhotanensis Cameron, 1907 of Maculibracon simlaensis (Cameron, 1899), comb. n. The genus Craspedolcus is recorded from China for the first time with two species: Craspedolcus fraternus Enderlein, 1920, and C. politus sp. n. The genus Maculibracon is represented by three species in China: M. simlaensis (Cameron, 1899), comb. n. (also present in Vietnam), M. hei sp. n. and M. luteonervis sp. n. and a fourth species is described from Thailand: M. abruptus sp. n. Hybogaster zebripterae Wang & Chen, 2008, from China (Fujian) is transferred to Iphiaulax Foerster, 1863, (comb. n.) and the following names are new combinations in Maculibracon gen. n.: Bracon lepcha Cameron, 1899; B. phaedo Cameron, 1899; B. simlaensis Cameron, 1899; Iphiaulax bhotanensis Cameron, 1907; I. laertius Cameron, 1903; I. leptopterus Cameron, 1903; I. lineaticarinatus Cameron, 1907; Ipobracon lissotomus Roman, 1914; I. maculicosta Enderlein, 1920 and I. pallidicornis Roman, 1914. Craspedolcus montezuma (Cameron, 1887) is provisionally transferred to the genus Digonogastra Viereck, 1912.
Tipo:  Article / Letter to the editor
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Various articles (1313-2970) vol.647 (2017) p.37
Direitos:  (c) Naturalis

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