Resumo: |
Since the appearance of my „Notes on the Rubiaceae of Surinam” (in Rec. d. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXI, 1934, 248; also in Meded. Bot. Mus. Herb. Utrecht no. 11, 1934) a number of species and varieties new to the flora of that country have come to light. The majority have been collected by Mr. Rombouts during the 1935/36 expedition of the Boundary Commission who is surveying at present the border in the southern part of the colony; they were found along the River Corantyne and in the savannahs in the south-western part. One species was secured by Dr. Lanjouw, and has been mentioned already in his „Additions to Pulle’s Flora of Surinam I” (in Rec. d. Trav. bot. Néerl. XXXII, 1935, 258) and one, represented by a rather poor fruiting specimen collected years ago by the Forestry Bureau, was found among material provisionally consigned to another family. New to the flora of Surinam are the following twelve species: Alseis longifolia Ducke var. pentamera Brem. n. var., Sabicea cinerea Aubl., S. Romboutsii Brem. n. spec., S. surinamensis Brem. n. spec., Tocoyena surinamensis Brem. n. spec., Thieleodoxa nitidula Brem. n. spec., Guettarda Spruceana Müll. Arg., Psychotria Romboutsii Brem. n. spec., Declieuxia fruticosa (Willd. ex R. et S.) Kuntze, Diodia pulchristipula Brem. n. spec., Spermacoce guianensis Brem. n. spec, and Borreria verticillata (L.) G. F. W. Mey (the B. verticillata of the Flora of Surinam IV, 287 proved to be B. suaveolens G. F. W. Mey., under which name it had been recorded already by Miquel), and one variety: Sipanea pratensis Aubl. var. glaberrima Brem. n. var. Four of the ten genera to which these species belong, namely Alseis, Thieleodoxa, Declieuxia and Spermacoce, are also new to the flora of Surinam. Seven species and two varieties are entirely new, and will be described below. Before entering on this part of my task I will make a few remarks however on two of the species known already from elsewhere, namely on Guettarda Spruceana Müll. Arg. and on Borreria verticillata (L.) G. F. W. Mey, and on a third species, Coccocypselum guyanense (Aubl.) K. Sch., which is known since long from Surinam, but of which Mr. Rombouts collected a specimen differing somewhat from the older Surinam findings.