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Provedor de dados:  16
País:  Netherlands
Título:  New and little-known pseudoscorpions of the genus Roncus L. Koch (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from Serbia, Yugoslavia
Autores:  Ćurčić, Božidar P.M.
Data:  1992
Ano:  1992
Palavras-chave:  Taxonomy
Balkan Peninsula
Cave fauna
Resumo:  Two new species of Roncus L. Koch, 1873 (R. svarozici n. sp. and R. svanteviti n. sp.), collected in eastern and southeastern Serbia, Yugoslavia, are described and their distribution is given. A supplementary description of R. pljakici Ćurčić, 1973, is provided as well. The taxonomic diversity of the western and southern European “Roncus lubricus” species complex is discussed in view of the importance of some diagnostic characters. The possible role of R. svarozici n. sp. and R. parablothroides Hadži, 1937 in colonizing caves is considered as well as the divergent differentiation of some Balkan subterranean pseudoscorpions.
Tipo:  Article / Letter to the editor
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde (0067-8546) vol.61 (1992) nr.4 p.237
Direitos:  (c) Naturalis

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