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Prey Suitability of Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and Tetranychus kanzawai (Acari: Tetranychidae) for the Development and Reproduction of Wollastoniella rotunda (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)
Autores: |
上船, 雅義
仲島, 義貴
田頭, 栄子
永井, 一哉
広瀬, 義躬
高木, 正見
Uefune, Masayoshi
Nakashima, Yoshitaka
Tagashira, Eiko
Nagai, Kazuya
Hirose, Yoshimi
Takagi, Masami
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Palavras-chave: |
Wollastoniella rotunda
Thrips palmi
Tetranychus kanzawai
Prey suitability
Biological control
Resumo: |
ヒメジンガサハナカメムシの発育と繁殖に対するミナミキイロアザミウマとカンザワハダニの餌の適合性を明らかにするため,それぞれの餌種を与えた場合の本種幼虫の生存率と発育期間,雌成虫の寿命と産卵数を比較した.ミナミキイロ1齢幼虫や2齢幼虫を与えた場合,本種1齢幼虫は発育できたが,ミナミキイロ雌成虫を与えた場合,ほとんど発育できなかった.一方,カンザワハダニは苦虫だけでなく雌成虫を餌として発育可能で,本種1齢幼虫の好適な餌であった.加齢にともない餌の違いが及ぼす影響は小さくなり,ヒメジンガサハナカメムシ5齢幼虫の生存率と発育期間,雌成虫の寿命と産卵数は,餌の種類の違いによる影響は受けなかった.従って,カンザワハダニもミナミキイロと同様にヒメジンガサの発育や繁殖に対して餌適合性が高いと考えられ,ヒメジンガサはこれら2種の害虫に対する天敵資材としての利用可能性があることが示唆された. Effects of the prey species Thrips palmi and Tetranychus kanzawai and their stages on the development and reproduction of the anthocorid predator, Wollastoniella rotunda, were investigated under laboratory conditions. When offered first or second instar larvae of T. palmi, first instar nymphs of W. rotunda developed into second instars; however, when offered adult T. palmi females, most predator instars failed to develop into second instars. Conversely, when offered adult females and protonymphs of T. kanzawai, first instars of the predator were capable of developing into second instars. Similar findings were observed in third and fifth instars of the predator when offered either of the two prey species. No difference in predator survival and fecundity was observed when either of the two prey species was offered to females of W. rotunda. These findings indicated that T. kanzawai and T. palmi are both suitable prey species for W. rotunda, and suggest the potential for application of the predator as a biological control agent against both of these pest species.
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