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Influence of Image Analysis and Carcass Traits on Beef Carcass Price
Autores: |
岡本, 圭介
口田, 圭吾
加藤, 貴之
鈴木, 三義
三好, 俊三
OKAMOTO, Keisuke
KATO, Takayuki
SUZUKI, Mitsuyoshi
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Palavras-chave: |
Japanese Black
Carcass unit price
Image analysis
Resumo: |
北海道内の枝肉市場に上場された黒毛和種去勢牛(1,543頭)および交雑種去勢牛(532頭)の枝肉横断面の画像に対し,脂肪面積比,全体の粒子のあらさ,最大粒子のあらさ,ロース芯の短径・長径比およびロース芯形状の複雑さを画像解析形質として分析に用いた.格付形質としては,枝肉重量,ロース芯面積,バラの厚さ,皮下脂肪厚,BMSナンバー,BCS等級およびBFS等級を用いた.これらの形質が牛枝肉価格にどのような影響があるかを検討した.取り上げた14種類のモデルのうち,格付形質のみおよび画像解析形質を含む2種類の,計3モデルについて詳細に検討した.3種類のモデルの決定係数は,黒毛和種で0.799~0.825,交雑種で0.784~0.792の範囲にあった.価格に最も影響を与えた形質は,格付形質のみを含むモデルにおいては,黒毛和種および交雑種ともBMSナンバーであり,それぞれの標準偏回帰係数は0.570および0.407が推定された.また,画像解析形質を加えたモデルでは,脂肪面積比において最も高い標準偏回帰係数が推定された.全体の粒子のあらさと最大粒子のあらさの標準偏回帰係数は,黒毛和種でそれぞれ-0.079および-0.040,交雑種でそれぞれ-0.090および-0.079を示し,ロース芯内の脂肪交雑粒子があらいと,枝肉価格に負の影響を与える結果を示した.同様にロース芯形状の複雑さのそれも黒毛和種で-0.033,交雑種で-0.045と負の値を示した. Influences of beef carcass traits assigned by grader and image analysis traits for meat quality on carcass unit price were investigated. Digital images around the rib-eye area at the 6th and 7th rib of 1,543 Japanese Black (JB) and 532 crossbred (CB) steers were taken by the photographing equipment for beef cross sections at a meat processing plant in Hokkaido. Ratio of marbling area to rib-eye area (FATPER),overall coarseness of marbling (O_COARSE),coarseness of the largest marbling particle in rib eye (M_COARSE),ratio of minor and major axis of rib eye (MM_RATIO),and complexity of rib-eye shape (COMP) were calculated by image analysis. The carcass traits considered were carcass weight,rib eye area, rib thickness,subcutaneous fat thickness, BMS number, BCS grade and BFS grade. Covariates in each mathematical model were only carcass traits (Model 1),carcass traits and image analysis traits without M_COARSE (Model 2),and carcass traits and image analysis traits without O_COARSE (Model 3). Ranges of determination coefficients of these models were 0.799 to 0.825 in JB and 0.784 to 0.792 in CB. Standardized partial regression coefficients (SPRC) of BMS number in JB and CB were the highest in Model 1 with the values of 0.570 (JB) and 0.407(CB). Effects of FATPER were the highest in Model 2 and 3. SPRC of O_COARSE and M_COARSE were -0.079 and -0.040 in JB,-0.090 and -0.079 in CB, respectively. This result indicates that rough marbling in the rib eye is an undesirable factor in the determination of carcass value in Japan. Similar SPRC were recognized on COMP with values of -0.033 in JB and -0.045 in CB.
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