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Registro completo
Provedor de dados:  20
País:  Belgium
Título:  Artisanal fishing boats in the Seychelles
Autores:  Mees, C. C.
Data:  2013-09-24
Ano:  1989
Palavras-chave:  Artisanal fishing
Fishing vessels statistics
Resumo:  The results of a census of fishing boats on Mahe Praslin and La Digue are presented in total 439 active fishing boats were counted of which 156 were pirogues, 196 were outboards, 68 were whalers and 19 were schooners. The details are discussed in relation to the catch assessment survey conducted by Seychelles fishing Authority. An evaluation of historical data follows. the number of pirogues and outboards increased up to 1986 and declined thereafter. The number of whalers steadily increased since1985 whilst the number of schooners has not changed significantly. It is argued that the changes in boat numbers are a results of interactions between the available near shore and offshore resources, the development of commercial opportunities through the Seychelles Marketing Board, and the effects of fisheries policies towards the promotion of outboard and inboard motors and boats. An assessment of the future boat requirements is presented and discussed in the light of development goals.
Tipo:  Report
Idioma:  Inglês
Editor:  Seychelles Fishing Authority

Victoria, Seychelles
Relação:  SFA Technical Report
Formato:  49

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