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Título: |
Características oceanográficas frente a Ecuador (Crucero T94/12/06 P-O, diciembre de 1994)
Oceanographic characteristics compared to Ecuador (PO T94/12/06 Cruise, December 1994)
Autores: |
Cuadra, T. de la
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Oceanographic data
Thermal structure
Meteorological data
Primary production
Primary production
Meteorological data
Resumo: |
In front of the ecuadorian coast, the subsuperficial thermic structure at the sea, was detected being warm during december 1994, as a result of the advection of high temperature water from the West Pacific to the East Pacific Ocean. This oceanographical condition appared different from those of december 1992, even when meteorological conditions seemed to be quite similar to those in 1992, even when meteorological conditions seemed to be quite similar to those in 1992. The appearance of certain ridgings that apparently are related to the botton shape would provoke an enrichment of disolved inorganical nutrients and therefore hight primary productivity. This in turn would imply that, in the sites redarded as ”bajos”, the potential fishery resources are distributed at high concentrations.
Tipo: |
Journal Contribution
Idioma: |
Identificador: |
Boletín Científico y Técnico, 13(1). p. 27-50
Editor: |
INP (Ecuador)