Registro completo |
Provedor de dados: |
Animal Sciences
País: |
Título: |
Pasture height at the beginning of deferment as a determinant of signal grass structure and potential selectivity by cattle - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v35i4.20421
Pasture height at the beginning of deferment as a determinant of signal grass structure and potential selectivity by cattle - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v35i4.20421
Autores: |
Santos, Manoel Eduardo Rozalino; Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Silveira, Márcia Cristina Teixeira; Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
Gomes, Virgílio Mesquita; Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
Fonseca, Dilermando Miranda da; Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Sousa, Braulio Maia de Lana; Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Santos, Anselmo de Deus; Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Brachiaria decumbens
Senescent forage
Grazing Brachiaria decumbens
Senescent forage
Resumo: |
Current experiment identified the height of signal grass {Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R. D. Webster cv. Basilisk [syn. Brachiaria decumbens Stapf cv. Basilisk]} at the beginning of deferment that provided an appropriate pasture structure and potential selectivity by cattle on deferred pastures. Four pasture heights at the beginning of deferment (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm) and two forage samples (available on pasture and simulated grazing) were studied. The experimental design was set in completely randomized blocks, with two replications, in a split-plot arrangement. Higher percentage of live leaf blades and lower percentage of live stems and senescent forage were recorded in the forage sample from simulated grazing. The increase in pasture height increased the percentage of senescent forage and reduced the percentage of live leaf blades in forage samples. Pasture height at the beginning of deferment did not affect the potential selectivity index by cattle for the percentage of live leaf blade. The potential selectivity index varied quadratically for the percentage of live stems and increased linearly for the percentage of senescent forage with pasture height. A 10-to-20 cm reduction in pasture height at the beginning of deferment improved the structure of deferred signal grass and optimized selectivity by cattle.
Current experiment identified the height of signal grass {Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R. D. Webstercv. Basilisk [syn. Brachiaria decumbens Stapf cv. Basilisk]} at the beginning of deferment that provided anappropriate pasture structure and potential selectivity by cattle on deferred pastures. Four pasture heights at thebeginning of deferment (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm) and two forage samples (available on pasture and simulatedgrazing) were studied. The experimental design was set in completely randomized blocks, with two replications,in a split-plot arrangement. Higher percentage of live leaf blades and lower percentage of live stems and senescentforage were recorded in the forage sample from simulated grazing. The increase in pasture height increased thepercentage of senescent forage and reduced the percentage of live leaf blades in forage samples. Pasture height atthe beginning of deferment did not affect the potential selectivity index by cattle for the percentage of live leafblade. The potential selectivity index varied quadratically for the percentage of live stems and increased linearlyfor the percentage of senescent forage with pasture height. A 10-to-20 cm reduction in pasture height at thebeginning of deferment improved the structure of deferred signal grass and optimized selectivity by cattle
Tipo: |
Idioma: |
Identificador: |
Editor: |
Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Relação: |
Formato: |
Fonte: |
Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences; v. 35, n. 4 (2013); 379-385
Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences; v. 35, n. 4 (2013); 379-385
Direitos: |
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY AND CESSATION OF COPYRIGHTI Declare that current article is original and has not been submitted for publication, in part or in whole, to any other national or international journal. I also declare that once published in the Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, a publication of the Universidade Estadual de Maringá, it will not be submitted by me or by any co-author to any scientific communication mean. In my name and in the name of co-authors, I shall cede the copyright of the above mentioned article to the Universidade Estadual de Maringá and I declare that I know that the non-observance of this norm may make me liable for the penalties contemplated in the Law for the Protection of Authors’ Rights (Act 9609 of the 19th February 1998).
DECLARAÇÃO DE ORIGINALIDADE E CESSÃO DE DIREITOS AUTORAIS Declaro que o presente artigo é original, não tendo sido submetido à publicação em qualquer outro periódico nacional ou internacional, quer seja em parte ou em sua totalidade. Declaro, ainda, que uma vez publicado na revista Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, editada pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá, o mesmo jamais será submetido por mim ou por qualquer um dos demais co-autores a qualquer outro meio de divulgação científica. Através deste instrumento, em meu nome e em nome dos demais co-autores, porventura existentes, cedo os direitos autorais do referido artigo à Universidade Estadual de Maringá e declaro estar ciente de que a não observância deste compromisso submeterá o infrator a sanções e penas previstas na Lei de Proteção de Direitos Autorias (Nº9609, de 19/02/98).