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Provedor de dados:  Organic Eprints
País:  Germany
Título:  Compared energy efficiency of dairy cow and meat sheep farms, in organic and in conventional farming
Autores:  Boisdon, Isabelle
Benoit, Marc
Data:  2006
Ano:  2006
Resumo:  The compared energy analysis of various farming systems makes it possible to carry out an approach of their sustainability through their faculty to produce energy in the form of livestock or vegetable products, while limiting the resort to non renewable energies. This study was carried out from the results of 38 farms in meat sheep and dairy cow production including 13 in organic farming. It focuses on livestock production, being acquired that the presence of cash crops raises considerably the energy effi-ciency. The main energy expenditure are the bought food, fertilisers and mechanization. The average en-ergy efficiency of the dairy cow farms is 0.59 and there is no difference between organic and conven-tional farming. In sheep production, the average is lower (0.41) but the organic farms have a higher level (0.47) thanks to a better food self sufficiency and no use of chemical fertilisers.
Tipo:  Conference paper, poster, etc.
Idioma:  Inglês

Boisdon, Isabelle and Benoit, Marc (2006) Compared energy efficiency of dairy cow and meat sheep farms, in organic and in conventional farming. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.
Formato:  application/pdf

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