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Provedor de dados:  21
País:  Germany
Título:  Report on organic protein availability and demand in Europe = Deliverable 1.2 of the CORE Organic project (ICOPP)
Autores:  Früh, Barbara
Schlatter, Bernhard
Isensee, Anne
Maurer, Veronika
Willer, Helga
Data:  2014
Ano:  2014
Palavras-chave:  Feeding and growth
Markets and trade
Resumo:  The aim of this study, carried out as part of work package 1 of the project “Improved Contribution of Local Feed to Support 100% Organic Feed Supply to Pigs and Poultry” (ICOPP), was to assess feed availability and demand throughout the countries of the ICOPP project and Europe. The ICOPP project is funded by national funding bodies that are part of the CORE Organic II project (Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems, Partners from the following ten European countries were part of the project: Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. All partners provided information from their country on feed production, livestock numbers and feeding strategies. The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), the Swiss project partner, conducted the survey and made the calculations on the supply and demand of concentrate feed, crude protein as well as essential amino acids from certified organic origin. Consequently, the self-sufficiency regarding organic feed for monogastrics was calcu-lated for each of the countries participating in the project.
Tipo:  Report
Idioma:  Alemão

Früh, Barbara; Schlatter, Bernhard; Isensee, Anne; Maurer, Veronika and Willer, Helga (2014) Report on organic protein availability and demand in Europe = Deliverable 1.2 of the CORE Organic project (ICOPP). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), Frick, Switzerland.

urn:ISBN:ISBN 978-3-03736-275-4
Formato:  application/msword



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