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Provedor de dados:  Frontis
País:  Netherlands
Título:  Quantitative modelling in design and operation of food supply systems
Autores:  Van Beek, P.
Data:  2004-05-01
Ano:  2004
Resumo:  During the last two decades food supply systems not only got interest of food technologists but also from the field of Operations Research and Management Science. Operations Research (OR) is concerned with quantitative modelling and can be used to get insight into the optimal configuration and operation of food supply systems. In this contribution a short general introduction is given. Also three extended abstracts of case studies from the field will be presented: the milk-chilling chain, the impact of genetic-modification (GM) techniques on the structure of the cassava chain and the optimization of the production/distribution system of a dairy company in Hungary. Finally some conclusions are formulated
Tipo:  Conference proceedings
Editor:  Wageningen UR Library
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Frontis; Volume 3 Bayesian Statistics and Quality Modelling in the Agro-Food Production Chain; 141-144
Direitos:  Op dit werk is een Creative Commons Licentie van toepassing.

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