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Provedor de dados:  AgEcon
País:  United States
Título:  Economic Development Mode and Countermeasure Research on the Nansi Lake Drainage Area Based on Circular Economy
Autores:  Jia, Yong-fei
Peng, Li-min
Data:  2011-08-26
Ano:  2011
Palavras-chave:  Circular economy
Nansi Lake Drainage Area
Development model
Resumo:  Firstly, it is pointed out that circular economy should be vigorously developed in the Nansi Lake Drainage Area, and the connotation of circular economy is expounded. Then, problems in developing circular economy in Nansi Lake Drainage Area are analyzed from the aspects of agriculture, industrial enterprises, and waste utilization. Finally, combining with the four modes of peasant household, enterprise, region and society in the development of circular economy, corresponding countermeasures are put forward for the circular economy in Nansi Lake Drainage Area, such as establishing the government guidance mechanism for big agriculture circular economy in Nansi Lake Drainage Area, constructing incentive systems for industrial enterprises adopting circular economy in Nansi Lake Drainage Area, adjusting the industrial structure of Nansi Lake Drainage Area, and optimizing the energy consumption structure.
Tipo:  Journal Article
Idioma:  Inglês
Relação:  Asian Agricultural Research> Volume 03, Issue 02, February 2011
Formato:  5

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