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Provedor de dados:  AgEcon
País:  United States
Título:  Life Satisfaction Over Time Among Rural Low-income Mothers
Autores:  Mammen, Sheila
Bauer, Jean W.
Lass, Daniel A.
Data:  2009-02-17
Ano:  2009
Palavras-chave:  Satisfaction with life
Rural low-income mothers
Health capital
Human capital
Personal capital
Social capital
Labor and Human Capital
Resumo:  Replaced with revised version of paper 11/05/09. Former title: Life Satisfaction among Rural Low-income Mothers: The Influence of Health, Human, Personal, and Social Capital

The satisfaction with life (SWL) among rural low-income mothers was assessed using a sample of 163 mothers who participated in a multi-state, three-year longitudinal study. Dependent variables included those that represented various forms of capital (health, human, personal and social) as well as the mothers’ levels of life satisfaction from prior years. Nearly two-thirds of the rural mothers were satisfied with their life in all three years. Their level of satisfaction appeared to be constant, however, such persistence had a time frame of only one year. In all three years, their depression score and the adequacy of their income had a significant effect on SWL. Their confidence as a parent and home ownership affected their life satisfaction during two years. Finally, their satisfaction with social relationships, age of the youngest child, and total number of children had an impact on their life satisfaction for one year.
Tipo:  Working or Discussion Paper
Idioma:  Inglês
Relação:  University of Massachusetts, Amherst>Department of Resource Economics>Working Paper Series
Working Paper
Formato:  43

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