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Provedor de dados: |
País: |
United States
Título: |
CAP-reform and the provision of non-commodity outputs in Brandenburg
Die Auswirkung der EU-Agrarreform auf multifunktionale Landwirtschaft in Brandenburg
Autores: |
Happe, Kathrin
Damgaard, Martin
Osuch, Amanda
Sattler, Claudia
Zander, Peter
Uthes, Sandra
Schuler, Johannes
Piorr, Annette
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Non-commodity outputs
Policy analysis
Ecological indicators
Agricultural and Food Policy
Land Economics/Use
Resumo: |
This paper presents an attempt to model the response of selected farms to decoupled direct payments and the associated impact on the provision of a defined set of non-commodity outputs (NCO’s) using a combined modelling approach consisting of the AgriPoliS and MODAM models. AgriPoliS focuses on the socio-economic dimension of multifunctionality at the individual farm and regional levels and explicitly models heterogeneous farms (in size, location and efficiency) within a competitive and dynamic environment. The linear-programming model MODAM allows a detailed representation of production processes and their impact on the environmental dimension of multifunctionality at the farm level. We simulate the impact of a uniform area payment and a fully decoupled single farm payment. Our case study region is the district Ostprignitz-Ruppin in Brandenburg. Results show that the decoupling schemes create a trade-off between the NCO’s and that adjustment reactions differ between farms depending on their legal form, size, and production.
Tipo: |
Journal Article
Idioma: |
Identificador: |
ISSN 0002-1121
Relação: |
German Journal of Agricultural Economics> Volume 55, Issue 5/6, 2006
Formato: |