Registro completo |
Provedor de dados: |
País: |
United States
Título: |
Lessons Learned in the Southern Region after the First Year of Implementation of the New Commodity Programs
Autores: |
Campiche, Jody L.
Harris, Wesley L.
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Farm policy
Food Conservation and Energy Act of 2008
Average Crop Revenue Election Program (ACRE)
Supplemental Revenue Assistance (SURE)
Agricultural and Food Policy
Community/Rural/Urban Development
Farm Management
Political Economy
Resumo: |
The development of the commodity programs in the 2008 Farm Bill involved the origination of two complex revenue support initiatives. The two new programs, Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) and Supplemental Revenue Assurance (SURE), expanded the risk management tool kit of agricultural producers. The SURE program is a permanent disaster assistance program, whereas the ACRE program is a revenue-based commodity program offered as an alternative to the price-based Direct and Counter-Cyclical Program (DCP) created in the 2002 Farm Bill. For the 2009 signup, only 7.7% of eligible U.S. farms enrolled in the ACRE program. In the southern region, three states had no farms electing ACRE and four others had less than 50. Excluding Oklahoma, less than 1% of all farms in 13 southern states made the ACRE election.
Tipo: |
Journal Article
Idioma: |
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Relação: |
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics>Volume 42, Number 03, August 2010
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