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Provedor de dados:  31
País:  United States
Título:  Livestock Production and Feed Use by Rural Households in China: A Survey Report
Autores:  Fuller, Frank H.
Hu, Dinghuan
Huang, Jikun
Hayes, Dermot J.
Data:  2006-07-07
Ano:  2001
Palavras-chave:  China
Cost of production
Feed use
Livestock marketing
Livestock production
Livestock Production/Industries
Resumo:  This report documents data and other information gathered from a survey of rural households in China. The survey was conducted as part of a research project aimed at assessing the potential for meat and feed grain exports to China. Responses to the survey questions provide information about grain and livestock production practices, costs of production, animal inventories, and feeding practices. The report describes the survey and collection process, summarizes selected data from the survey, and provides anecdotal information about livestock production and marketing in Chongqing, Sichuan, Shandong, and Jilin provinces.
Tipo:  Working or Discussion Paper
Idioma:  Inglês
Identificador:  22859
Editor:  AgEcon Search
Relação:  Iowa State University>Center for Agricultural and Rural Development>CARD Staff Report Series
Staff Report 01 SR-96
Formato:  53


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