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Provedor de dados:  AgEcon
País:  United States
Título:  Consumer Attitudes towards Genetically Modified Foods in Emerging Markets: The Impact of Labeling in Taiwan
Autores:  Ganiere, Pierre
Chern, Wen S.
Hahn, David E.
Chiang, Fu-Sung
Data:  2008-01-14
Ano:  2004
Palavras-chave:  Genetically modified food
Consumer attitudes
Telephone survey
Consumer/Household Economics
Resumo:  In 2001, Taiwan enacted a law for genetically modified food (GM foods) labeling. Beginning January 1st 2003, food containing more than 5% of GM ingredients must be labeled. Taiwan imports most of its soybeans from the United States. In order to assess the effects of the new policy, a telephone survey was conducted in 2002. A total of 257 interviews were completed. A typology of consumers' attitudes towards GM foods is constructed from the use of a multiple correspondence analysis and a classification method. Four profiles are identified: proponents, 52%, moderate opponents, 32.5%, extreme opponents, 12.5%, and those with no opinion, 5.5%.
Tipo:  Journal Article
Idioma:  Inglês
Identificador:  28106
Editor:  AgEcon Search
Relação:  International Food and Agribusiness Management Review>Volume 07, Issue 03, 2004
Formato:  20


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