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Provedor de dados:  31
País:  United States
Título:  The Difficulties and Countermeasures of Migrant Workers Returning Home to Start Business of Shaanxi
Autores:  Li, Chen-xi
Yan, Yu-jie
Data:  2012-01-16
Ano:  2011
Palavras-chave:  Shaanxi
Migrant workers returning home
Starting a business
Policies and countermeasures
Resumo:  The paper discloses me current situation of migrant workers returning home to start business by making a survey of the total number of returning migrant workers. The paper also points out the main difficulties the migrant workers who returning home to start business facing. The first is the old fashioned and backward concepts of development in some local departments; the second is lacking of powerful supports of policies; the third is the still bad environment to start business: the fourth is the lower qualities of people who are going to start business. Based on these situations, the official policies are put forward to encourage and support migrant workers to return home to start business. Such as strategies activating migrant workers to return home to start business should be positively operated; the management services should be further Standardized and the environment should be perfected for starting business; the programs and items to start business by migrant workers returning home should be guided and favored; beneficial tax policies should be improved further; financial services should be further perfected; the land using problems of migrant workers should be firstly solved; the demonstration project of migrant workers returning back to start business should be continuously carried on; the Organizing and leading jobs for starting business of migrant workers should be further strengthened.
Tipo:  Article
Idioma:  Inglês
Relação:  Asian Agricultural Research> Volume 03, Issue 07, July 2011
Formato:  4

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