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Provedor de dados:  31
País:  United States
Título:  Characteristics, Costs, and Issues for Organic Dairy Farming
Autores:  McBride, William D.
Greene, Catherine R.
Data:  2009-12-22
Ano:  2009
Palavras-chave:  Dairy
Milk production
Costs of production
Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS)
Agricultural and Food Policy
Crop Production/Industries
Demand and Price Analysis
Production Economics
Resumo:  Organic milk production has been one of the fastest growing segments of organic agriculture in the United States in recent years. Despite the growing number of organic dairy operations, the characteristics of organic dairy operations and the relative costs of organic and conventional milk production have been difficult to analyze. This study, using 2005 ARMS data for U.S. dairy operations, which include a targeted sample of organic milk producers, examines the structure, costs, and challenges of organic milk production. The analysis addresses economies of size, regional differences, and pasture use in organic milk production and compares organic and conventional milk production costs. The findings suggest that economic forces have made organic operations more like conventional operations and that the future structure of the industry may depend on the interpretation and implementation of new organic pasture rules.
Tipo:  Report
Idioma:  Inglês
Relação:  United States Department of Agriculture>Economic Research Service>Economic Research Report
Economic Research Report
Number 82
Formato:  42

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