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País: |
United States
Título: |
Research on the Industrial Ecologicalization in Yunnan Province
Autores: |
Yang, Ting-feng
Zhao, Ji-jie
Jiang, Peng
He, Wen-yuan
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Industrial ecologicalization
Yunnan Province
Resumo: |
By using ecological carrying capacity, ecological footprint method and shift-share analysis and the data from Yunnan Statistical Yearbook and China Statistical Yearbook , the status quo of industrial ecologicalization development in Yunnan Province is analyzed from the aspects of consumption of resources and environment, production technology and industrial pollution and industrial structure. The results show that the economic growth in Yunnan Province is based on the huge consumption of resources; the consumption of natural environment has surpassed its carrying capacity; the production technology is relatively backward and the comprehensive use efficiency of the “three wastes” is low; the solid waste emission of the ten thousand GDP is far exceed the average level of the whole county; the total emissions of industrial waste gas and domestic sewage are increasing; the efficiency of industrial structure is bad. On the strength of the analysis, the relevant measures on ecological industrial development in Yunnan Province is put forward, covering strengthening the awareness of saving resources and protecting environment; establishing energy-saving type national economy and social system; actively adjusting industrial structure; strengthening ecological construction of the three major industries.
Tipo: |
Journal Article
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Relação: |
Asian Agricultural Research>Volume 03, Issue 01, January 2011
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