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Provedor de dados:  AgEcon
País:  United States
Título:  Does Switzerland Have a Productivity Problem?
La Suisse a-t-elle un probleme de productivite?
Autores:  Ferjani, Ali
Data:  2005-12-30
Ano:  2005
Palavras-chave:  Productivity Analysis
Resumo:  This paper focuses on the evolution of productivity in the agricultural sector of 21 developped countries over the period of 1990-2002. It uses Data Envelopment Analysis, a non-parametric approach that allows decompositions of changes in productivity into variations in efficiency and technical change. The results show that productivity improvements (0,6 % per year) were principally due to technological progress (0,4 % per years). However, this performance was not uniform in all the countries.
Tipo:  Journal Article
Idioma:  Francês
Identificador:  19386
Editor:  AgEcon Search
Relação:  Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie/ Economie et Sociologie Rurales>Number 1, 2005
Formato:  20


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