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País: |
United States
Título: |
Evaluation on the Sustainable Development of Agricultural Industrialization Based on DPSIR Model - A Case of North Bay Economic Zone in Guangxi Province
Autores: |
Wang, Qiang
Huang, Hu
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Agricultural industrialization
Sustainable development
North Bay Economic Zone of Guangxi Province
Industrial Organization
Research Methods/ Statistical Methods
Resumo: |
According to the connotation of agricultural industrialization, the DPSIR model based on agricultural industrialization is introduced from the five aspects of driving fore, pressure, state, impact and response. Taking the North Bay Economic Zone of Guangxi Province as an example, a total of 23 indices are selected to construct the evaluation index system of sustainable development for agricultural industrialization by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. And the sustainable development level is comprehensively evaluated by weighted method. The result shows that driving force factor is still in a worse state. Industry, house sites and unreasonable agricultural productive ways have caused obvious pressure on agricultural industrialization. The scores of “state” and “impact” factors indicate that the output scale of agriculture, labor force scale and peasants’ income are still in its initial stage. The score of “response” is lower, indicating that the current structural adjustment can not adapt to the development of agricultural industrialization. The developmental environment of the North Bay Economic Zone is studied as well as the opportunities and challenges. On this basis, related countermeasures and proposals are put forward.
Tipo: |
Thesis or Dissertation
Idioma: |
Identificador: |
Relação: |
Asian Agricultural Research>Volume 1, Issue 06, June 2009
Formato: |